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The way I see it, to make original works that are as popular as parodies I essentially have to build up a whole world from scratch, full of sexy characters and spicy situations that you guys can enjoy in a variety of ways.

THAT will take a ton of time and effort, and probably a new Patreon campaign focused on original work, so figuring out what type of OG work you guys are most interested in supporting is essential.

Of course, my main focus will still be my NSFW parody works for as long as it's tenable, so none of these shouldn affect my usual work much at all.

Here are a few options I've come up with:

  • RPG Maker NSFW game
    Download this  quick mini (if not micro) test game I made yesterday with some old assets, 1-2 mins tops, lewd sounds warning. Move with arrow keys | Z=Confirm | X=Cancel/Menu

    - $5 or $10 per Game Update (at least a normal Update's worth of NSFW  illustrations/sets/animations per Update, ideally 2 if I can dev super fast)
    - $10 tier gets High Res versions of the Update's NSFW assets like a normal Update. $5 gets Mid Res.
    - Polls to choose next characters to draw or game direction when needed. (Vote weight based on patronage across months, with occasional weight resets after big decisions.)
    - BONUS SYNERGY? Art rewards could also be posted as a normal Updates on my current Patreon. Patrons pledging on both would automatically get Coills for any redundant pledge on current Patreon, no value loss.
    - If Unity ends up being a better option I may just go with that, might change the form of the Patreon a bit.

    The plan would be to build up a fun, relaxing sexy game with a lighthearted sense of humor that doesn't require you to waste time fighting or grinding endlessly to have fun instead gameplay being centered around items, money and simpler stuff like that,

    Lots of characters & lots of NSFW scenes. Some easy to get while some requiring some thought and effort to woo, all while getting some chuckles during your quest for booty.
    Hell if you guys want, I could even make some more thorough "routes" for the more popular characters, maybe design some system where you make money and develop your skills to unlock special stuff? So many fun ideas.

    Of course this is just my initial thoughts and things may change down the line based on patron input or RPG Maker's limits.

  • NSFW Visual Novel
    Download example from 2017 (~15 mins) - Took me a couple of weeks to make back then
    - $10 per week of focused work. Rewards would be early peeks to art and scenes?

    Honestly, I'm not quite sure what form a Patreon like this should take since this sort of game usually has a lot of more plot than NSFW content. Still, not against the idea if that's what you guys dig, I'd just have to figure it out the details with you guys later.

  • NSFW comic
    -$2.5 per Mid Res comic update
    -$5 per Hi Res comic update + art only (no bubbles) versions
    - Usually 1 color page per Update, with possibility of doing 2+B&W pages per Update during plot/SFW parts if patrons prefer that.
    -Polls for story choices based on patronage across months, with occasional reset after big decisions.

    Imagine a comic version of this, with some more time spent developing the characters and story.

  • SFW (yet pervy) comic - Same as previous but mainly B&W for maximum speed but with an occasional color page

    Now THAT's an unexpected one huh. The idea would be to straight up go and make a whole fucking manga (something like Konosuba? Ecchi, harem-ish comedy) and enjoy the benefits of doing SFW work (financially safer, future-proof, further reach, more potential growth?) while also being able to do official NSFW work of my own characters haha... would that even be a good idea?

  • Just continue doing original NSFW illustrations on the current Patreon
    The usual.

Although I can only afford to work on one of these projects, but please feel free to vote for as many of them as you'd be interested in actually supporting as a patron. If none interest you simply don't vote for any.

I'll be on discord and the comment section below for the next hour or so in case you guys have any questions.


Helen Dingo

I had to vote for all of them. I wanna see all of your creative endeavors over time.


Thanks haha, I also wish I could take on multiple projects too (making that mini rpg game was actually pretty fun, it'd also be wild to put it on steam eventually). For now one is more than enough.

Helen Dingo

I more meant it as I'll support any of them that you focus on for the time. Lol I'm not saying you should crunch yourself to do everything you want at once.


What are those files?


The ones that start with RPGM are test micro game I made with RPGmaker. The vampys-visit files are an example visual novel I made back in 2017. These are the same files you can download in the links in the psot, but those go to MEGA and itch.io, I figured it may be easier for some to download directly from the post attachments.

John Mcallington

It's difficult to choose since I kinda would like to see them all, but at the same time I would like something which allows you the maximum range of freedom and creativity, but being able to pull back if you're not sure.