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Thank you all for supporting this Update.

Your pledges have been registered and you'll be charged early next month (Patrons with monthly pledge limits may not be charged for this one if it'd exceed their limit).

If you missed it, you can get it by pledging at the Coillector Tier (Read more here).

(Reminder: Rewards are sent after Patreon's charging cycle, usually between the 3rd and 5th of each month.) 

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Her face looks awesome


There could be some Tier that received all updates for the current month, and some coils to exchange for old updates. Waiting for the entire month and being able to receive only 1 or 2 upadtes is frustrating.


That's an interesting idea, but since I can't always do the same amount of Updates per month it wouldn't quite work. Actually, the Coillector tier should allow you to essentially do what you described since you can increase your pledged amount past $10 to get more Coills at the end of the month. This way you could both get all of the month's rewards as well as having leftover Coills for past Updates. If you want to try that I'd recommend you first set up a max monthly pledge limit of 1 ( which I believe you had set up already) and from there simply increase your pledged amount to as much as you want. You'll get that amount in Coills at the end of the month. Hope that helps Firebrand. Thank you for your patronage until now and hope to see ya around either here or over at https://twitter.com/NeoCoillHQ