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Hey, guys! It's been at least a few days since I updated here ... Oh, it's been longer? Huh. Guess we got some catch up to do!

I recently uploaded a teaser video for an episode of Weird Wide Web I'll be releasing in mid June. I don't normally do "trailers" for videos, but since I've been AWOL for a while, the last episode in this series was ages ago, and the video itself is actually a lot of fun; I felt it was warranted this time.

This was also just a general way for me to step back into the channel officially without doing the awkward "Where I've Been" video that I'm sure would be boring to many of you (and me.)

If you're an avid viewer, then you know where I've been. I did a little boxing, sure, but I've also been podcasting multiple times a week over at The Snark Tank and Last Stand Media for the last like ... 4 years. Time flies.

While podcasting is fun, comparably easy, and way more reliable than YouTube is at the moment; I can't shake this need to make ridiculous videos that have more effort put into them than they realistically need. It's what I value personally and it's what I have the most fun doing and honestly, I've missed it. I'm happy to say that I'm finally at a point in my life where I feel like I can actually manage my time effectively to do it all.


This Patreon is meant to support the big projects that come from the Channel. Ray Gun Recaps, Weird Wide Webs, and any project that I consider less frequent and more "high effort." This means highly edited videos that are thoroughly written and display more effort than your usual "talk to the camera" affair.

You won't find updates here about Livestreams, Glasses Offs, Tier Lists or anything else like that. I won't clog your feeds with those. That's for the barren landscape of Twitter. Those videos will still come to the channel of course because it keeps it healthy algorithmically and I still like to make that stuff, but that's not what I consider the Passion Projects that Patreon funding necessitates.


I've always struggled with balancing BTS content because I want to give value, but I don't want to spoil things. The best way I've decided to go about it is to post behind the scenes stuff about these projects the day after a project goes live.

For example, I have a lot to show you about the next Weird Wide Web that you might find interesting (scripts, handwritten notes, idea boards, etc) but I don't want them to contribute to a misleading narrative of what the project is and ultimately end in disappointment when the version of the video doesn't match the one you've built in your head. Or, alternatively, I don't want to spoil the most fun things in the video that would obviously be the most fun things to share in a BTS format.


I love talking to and meeting fans, especially in person. Absolutely, come say hi if you see me. Discord however, is not my strong suit. I have this almost Reverse Millennial problem where I'm very comfortable face to face and wildly uncomfortable in a voice call or anything similar.

All tiers get you access to the CRG Discord which I'm sure is in a state of hysterical disarray at this point, but I don't want to sell it as a way for you to speak with me regularly. I barely have the time and energy to give myself to my friends, family and the people closest to me. My focus is on making cool stuff that you guys can gather and talk about, maybe make friends, etc.

I will try to make the occasional appearance and I'll certainly be active on the days a big project goes live, but it's more of a community building tool for viewers than a direct line to me. Want to make that clear.


I'm back and excited. Sorry to have left you hanging here but since this is premium content I wanted to make sure I was ready before I committed to anything to my most loyal and invested people.


Things Have Gotten ... Strange

Things on the web have gotten ... strange. I'll be seeing you soon. Social Media! TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/chris_ray_gun/ TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/chrisraygun TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@chrisraygun SUBREDDIT ► https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisRayGun/ Support Me Over Here! MERCH ► https://teespring.com/stores/chris-ray-gun PATREON ► https://www.patreon.com/ChrisRay Podcasts! SACRED SYMBOLS : A PLAYSTATION PODCAST ► https://apple.co/2Rqmklc SNARK TANK ► https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSnarkTank


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