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Cringey Corporate Meme Ads - Weird Wide Web

Get Honey for FREE ► https://joinhoney.com/chrisraygun Save $ this holiday season on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Newegg, Walmart, Best Buy, GameStop, and more! Last time we looked at the worst dating sites ever made! This time we're looking at the worst ad campaigns to co-opt meme culture to sell you garbage! It's another episode of Weird Wide Web. Yeh. What? Do I look scared to you? Who the hell do you think you are anyway? Some kinda ragamuffin? Get out of my sight and don't come back until you've arrived with my gold. SHIRTS ► https://teespring.com/stores/chris-ray-gun TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun FACEBOOK ► http://on.fb.me/15OyE7z TWITCH ► http://www.twitch.tv/chrisraygun PATREON ► https://www.patreon.com/ChrisRay SUBREDDIT ► https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisRayGun/


Russell Garrett

Chris dude, I’m gonna be blunt here but it’s coming from a place of love. Stop being such a cunt and pimp this fucking Patreon. I just watched this video on YouTube. Wanna know how I got the notification? You don’t wanna you know you say? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. From the fucking Patreon app. You’re like top tier YouTube funny my man. I’m serious about that. I always look forward to a new video from you, because I know it’s good for some solid laughs every time. You’re at over 500k subscribers now right? Converting 1% of those into Patrons is totally achievable; channels that are way shitter manage it. So pimp this shit. Drop a mention in the videos, mention it on Sacred Symbols every week - I don’t think Colin would care at all. Anyone who cares about you won’t begrudge you at all for wanting to make some extra money. So JUST DO IT (did I do the meme right?) or I’ll be forced to y’know.......post this again. Also, cunt is like a term of endearment here in the UK, you massive prick. Love. X


Listen to Russell Chris. Do it. I think people are smart enough to tell the difference between shill and needing rent money (you're not a shill btw, if that wasn't already obvious).


If Your looking for some good cringy content go to VictimFocus its pretty toxic yet pretty entertaining 100%


Dear Cristiano Rayguninho, I wanted to let you know that due to the recent Sargon's debacle with Patreon, I'm pulling my donations for all previously supported creators and switching to alternatives, if provided. I know a lot of people are doing that right now, as people do not want to support suppresion of free speech. Provide an alternative plox. Cheers


I am also quitting Patreon because of how they handled the Sargon situation. I really don't want to stop supporting you, so I hope you'll find another way to accept donations. As soon as you do, I'll be back. Love your work, and will continue appreciating it.

Patrick Dillon

SDame for me aswell unfortunately. Hope to see an alternative site open up, 'cause it looks like supportstars went bye-bye too.


Also leaving Patreon over banning those due to "hate speech". Chris, please offer alternative ways to fiscally support you!!!


Ok ;-)