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Recently, due to the fact that Montenegro wants to join the EU in the coming years, it is increasingly interfering with Russians, adding problems, laws, documents and making my life unbearable, so I am saving money to move to another country. I'm already tired of this, always feeling on pins and needles, only I think I'm going to stay somewhere, there's a sense of security, everything is falling apart and I need to do it all over again. It is very difficult mentally, physically and financially. 

So I just want to say a human "Thank you!" to you for your support, likes and for being there. I appreciate it! <3 



Hopefully you get somewhere safe where nothing bothers you to where you're at peace again.


Genuinely happy to hear you’re planning to move to somewhere that life is more calm and bearable. I think you will be much better off! Starting over is very scary, but there are many who will have sympathy and help you, plus all these fuzzy internet folks who adore you and will help all we can! 💜