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Hey Everyone, sorry for the lack of new content this month, i had a bunch of shoots lined up and a bunch of them fell through for various reasons.  Next month i'll be going through previous sets and adding new sets from previous shoots, as well as lining up new shoots.

Another change (which i hope will be for the better) is a way i'm handling Top Tier Content.  Now Top Tier members will be notified here of new content however the actual images will be on a Pixieset website.  Once Top Tier members are verified as paid up for the month I'll update send out the password for the month.

Another change is that I'm going to be attending more H&M Photography Workshops (hopefully one a month) which has some AMAZINGLY gorgeous models.  These come at a price so private gallery requests for these models is appreciated as that goes to fund future workshops.  The first set from last weekends workshop will be posting tomorrow morning and you don't want to miss out on these.  As always, thanks for the continued support and feel free to message me at any time.


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