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Last year at this time I was undergoing a terrible health crisis. I purchased my Les Paul in May and was inspired to put in some extra practice time. 

I mean, I was putting in like 5 hours of practice per day. As many guitar players know, playing guitar while standing up can be quite stressful on your back. After a couple months my back started to hurt really bad! It didn’t even occur to me that my 666 pound Les Paul was a contributing factor. I figured it was work stress related. The pain got so bad I went to the doctor, got an MRI and spent a whole month in bed. Strangely, the bed rest didn’t seem to help, so I eventually just went back to my regular routine and powered through the pain

As I started to think through my problem I realized something. The solution to my distress came from Isaac Newton's 3rd law of motion. FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE'S AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION. Gravity was exerting a force on my spine while playing, causing a painful contraction. By laying down on the floor and stretching, I exerted an opposite force to counteract the the pain. After two weeks of consistent stretching, I started to feel soooo much better. It took my a while to figure out that there’s a few particular movements that give me tremendous relief instantly. Try these out if you’re having pain In your back, shoulders and traps

1. Superman

The first exercise is the superman. Get down on the floor, pick up your legs and fly your arms back forth like superman.

2. Upward Facing Dog

Get in the upward facing dog position for the next exercise. Push yourself up and squeeze your shoulders to release tension.

3. The Twist

Using a gentle twisting posture, put your right arm under your left and push down into the ground....ahhhh that hits the spot. Repeat with your other arm as well

4. Shoulder Stretch

Lay down on the floor while extending your arm to stretch your shoulders. Straighten your arms and flex your triceps for best results.

Let me know if you ever experience back pain and how you handle it! 


End Back Pain FAST! 4 exercises for guitarists

End back pain fast with these 4 exercises for guitar players. Playing guitar for hours at a time can destroy your back, especially if you own a heavier guitar model like a Les Paul. After seeing a doctor, getting and MRI and trying a bunch of other things, I finally discovered some simple stretches that instantly take the pain away 1. Superman The first exercise is the superman. Get down on the floor, pick up your legs and fly your arms back forth like superman. 2. Upward Facing Dog Get in the upward facing dog position for the next exercise. Push yourself up and squeeze your shoulders to release tension. 3. The Twist Using a gentle twisting posture, put your right arm under your left and push down into the ground....ahhhh that hits the spot. Repeat with your other arm as well 4. Shoulder Stretch Lay down on the floor while extending your arm to stretch your shoulders. Straighten your arms and flex your triceps for best results.



I just saw this. Thanks. You may know I’ve mentioned on here a few times I work a lot of hours without moving. This is great. I saw a workout short and thought I want to get into shape enough to do that!!! This is a good start!


Today is a big day for me. Starting these exercises and doing my first 5 miles walk.