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Here's the second and final part of chapter eight, guys. The next post will be the final part of "holidays". :) 




Yes, missed it


That rabbit hole she's in, is getting deeper and deeper. Now, english will disappear. More than changing her lauguage can happen, she could become more controllable, leading to Unnie changing her a lot easier.


Rabbit hole you say... to me this kinda fails the description because in original fairy tale there was no direct coercive measures like glued in earphones with a glue so strong that might hurt while ripping 😂


OKAY, definitely confirmed... It is clear to me now that Minji-Unnie is a Sith Lord... ❣️❣️❣️

Mellissa Lynn

This...is actually kind of terrifying. She now can't go anywhere alone. She can't walk the street alone because she can't hear traffic. If therre's a fire in the middle of the night, she can't hear an alarm. She's cut off from her phone. She can't even wake up to an alarm now! She's essentially deaf if she's alone. And while deaf people can certainly handle the world alone, they have time to learn how to do so. What happens if something happens to Minji-Unnie? Heck, what happens if something goes wrong with the in-ears themselves? As I said, terrifying...

Robyn Hoode

I wear a hearing aid and some of that adhesive would be brilliant for me. It would top my aids falling out :) Actually it wouldn't work for long because ear wax would block it eventually (just a few days in my experience) and it would need cleaning. In Melissa's imaginary world, though, it's a great story. :)


This is a masterfully cunning move by Minji. Now not only will Nick be completely immersed in his new language, but he can be in a room full of English speakers and not be able to hear a word or respond, selling the illusion of a young Korean girl who can’t speak the language at all


Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to Nabi-ya. At least from Minji's point of view! hehe