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A new part! :) 




"Lady with masked nose" 😁


So would that mean Joanna was ultimately responsible for Andrew's forced feminization? 🤔And if Dimitra and her know each other, it would explain why she didn't point out the hight difference on their second meet up, cause she knows whats up.



Alison St John

Also rules out my theory that she was Marina in disguise, Marina leaving suddenly and Joanna turning up just afterwards makes it impossible. Still this is even more intriguing now seeing as there's more people in on the conspiracy, I hope that Elena starts to find out the truth regards Marina and her apparent husband, why everyone is treating her as if Andrew never existed.....


Probably wishful thinking on my end, but I think this might also reinforce the idea that Marina is a victim in another way too. Of course less drastic as Andrew here :D

Nino Heđi

Hmm could this be a sign that following chapters will slowly unravel true reason behind andrew's predicament? It seems Joana is true mastermind behind it...I mean in every story so far woman was always a mastermind.


Joel seems to be a competent detective. If so, he should start a new career and leave Toska.😎

Nino Heđi

On top of everything...coming from me will sound weird but sheer amount of details that was taken care of regarding andrews transformation not to mention amount of multitasking to put plan together speaks volumes about my claim that mastermind is a woman. If it was a man who is mastermind that man would have to be gay beacause straight men 99% of the time have neither patience nor eye for details when it comes to what happened andrew. Only time straight men will have an eye for details is if it is required by skill since they have S type brain or Skill oriented brain, as for multitasking for men to be match to women they have to be exceptions.


WOW. What an amazing story. Very rare that you see age progression to middle aged woman TG like this, and even rarer that it is this excellent. So glad I found this. Very well done!!

Kathleen collins

Melissa has a fantastic story from her earlier days called Turned Into a MILF. This is even better somehow, and she definitely knows what she is doing! If you are enjoying this one you should definitely check out that one.