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Sorry for the delay guys! I had all images ready a few days ago but then I realized that I didn't like Elena's outfit. I had to redo everything :(



Phil G

The art work is fantastic!!


Omg, she looks like an authentic lady, love it 😍😍😍

France Day

What a wonderful idea to catch the breath of the story by moving to evacuate the enigmatic truth that stands silent in front of Aphrodite's mysterious mirror. Most excellent agapiti Melissa.




when do you publish the next part?


The next part of Mirror will be posted probably next week. But I'll post other stories first. :)


Never stop this crazy opera of a story, I love the world building.

rafael teran

The mental “changes” seem more akin to light conditioning, where the self remains, but the desired effect has to be something the target of the conditioning has to be willing to do in the first place, and considering how easily Andrew caved in and was manipulated to fit the role it is safe to say conditioning through suggestion is all they had to do, Andrew/Elena is the one that is gaslighting themselves as pretty much everyone but marina is behaving the same as was planned to pull off the “disguise”, granted we haven’t had much screen time or inner dialogue from marina to know what has happened on her side of things

Nino Heđi

Looks like Andrew is slowly starting to catch up on what is happening and what happenes in clinic. He won't go back being man evere again that is sure. One of the procedures he can reverse after a while is colagen in his skin to knock 10-20 years of his skin to look bit younger and leave all the mess he is currently in behind. I know colagen was damaged in skin but colagen can be repaired too. He can for happy ending just leave everything behind,he can leave with Filip as someone suggestes and start new life under new name. Story name is aphrodite's mirror and we all know who aphrodite is: Goddes of love and beauty so my idea about procedure for andrew when he gets away should sound somewhat reasonable. Anyway he'll play his role while at the same time he'll look for way out and allies to help him.


hehehe Eventually this will come to an end, but we still have a long way to go ;-P


Is Elena wearing nude pantyhose in this chapter? These images are quite tricky I’m not sure… Anyway this story is fascinating! Can’t wait to see the next part. ;)

Kathleen collins

It looks to me like she likely is if you zoom in. Love this story and can't wait for the next part!!!

Kathleen collins

Also, I love the sweater and entire outfit. I hope we see the rest of the dress though. Curious if it is sleeveless or not. Either way, it is gorgeous!