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Nino Heđi

I've heard of many procedures done to characters but modifying tongue, that's new one but it does solve mystery of andrews/elena's sudden problems with english pronounciation. Elena is starting to remember procedures done to her and that will change everything. She can't go back being to Andrew at the end of the story but she can however keep playing their game carefully while she is working on her way out. Also ones manipulating Andrew/Elena at least i think is everyone is behind manipulation because: Nikos introduced his daughters to Andrew but never spoke of their real mother so we don't know if Nikos ever was married. I may be way off here but it feels as if Marina and Nikos may be only ones related and everything else about family at least is one huge elaborate lie.


Wonderful admosphere, an Elena without make-up, helpless and confused. Only the speech bubbles destroy this impression, as always. Unfortunately! Sometimes pictures say more than words! But maybe you'll post a version without text.


I already mentioned in earlier comments that "original Elena" probably never existed... and those "daughters" are random workers in a crime... they slipped at the very beginning that they're happy they'll have mom finally... that is something that would be said only by an orphan... I think...


IDK which cruelty is more painful to observe... physical one (beating close to death) or mental one (erasing someones identity) watching this how he/she truly is lost and is at 50/50 right now questioning that he might was born as Elena is... Eh I must remind myself this is only a fictional story about molding a sexy milf out of young guy... ;) ❣️❣️❣️

Nino Heđi

It's not probably, original Elena never existed. Nikos not speaking of his real wife confirms that. When Andrew met Nikos, Nikos never said a word about his real wife, he didn't even mentioned her. Name of the story is Aphrodite's mirror which suggests that Nikos is making fake family. This story ends in one if two ways: Either Andrew finds way out of this or he accepts and stays as Elena. I would prefer if he finds way out. He will live out his life as a woman either way. Flashbacks suggests that he will keep remembering. Mirror shows what you're trying to hide.


Yes I said same thing much earlier... that Nikos never had a wife... this whole family looks fake as f... Melissa already mentioned as well that till the very end Elena will not forget about Andrew... and we're just a little past the halfway point only of this very intriguing story... I already mentioned much earlier that I would prefer too that Elena would live somewhere as far away as possible from this fucked up family... taking their money with her... :)

Nino Heđi

In that regard from now on it's gonna be game of cat and mouse. Oh and my wish also includes identity change and procedure to restore her skin and maybe different implants so she looks like a woman of andrews age.


There’s really a plot… Nikos is too patient with Elena even at the point of not getting laid with her. And his bonus is that she’s acting more naturally as a woman as time goes by, doing couples’ things: laying on his chest, kissing, feeling attracted to him, etc.


I have a feeling a lot more time passed than it's shown. Marina and Andrew were on a honeymoon vacation. She's a journalist back in the USA, so a real job. What if almost a year has passed and she was manipulated into becoming romantic with James, same way Andrew is starting to have feelings for Nikos as 'Elena' now?

Nino Heđi

Actualy Marina wasn't manipulated at all. A lot longer time did passed. Also latest chapter suggests that Elena is slowly remembering procedures at the clinic.


Where do you two think the Albanian billionaire, crime boss, and they guy that got put in prison tie into the story? I find your analysis fascinating.


What's your theory about Marina? I base my feeling on the few scenes we had with her and her thoughts. She was in most of those scenes rather sad or shocked by the events. If she was really in on the plot and against Andrew why would she be so reminiscent when looking at her wedding ring at the bar or shocked by how much Andrew behaves like a woman now in the chapter before the doctors appointment?

Nino Heđi

They are tied to the story but not in a way you think. They have nothing to do with Andrew's transformation, it's a lie to trick him. Go back to the chapter when andrew first met nikos, you'll see nikos never mentioned his real wife. Why would albanian care if nikos had a wife if it was all about buseness. Things aren't what they seem in this story.

Nino Heđi

Ok, maybe she is but not so much as Andrew. Have you seen andrew's nightmares? These are all memories coming back from clinic. Andrew could behave like a woman out of habit. He also couldn't remember eveything that happened in clinic so they could tell him anything they wanted to while his mind was in dissaray after waking up after who knows how long.


Andrews loss of memories from that day could either be by the hormones or the trauma itself. Cause thats what it was a traumatic event. After all they took his balls off. Maybe his mind shut down after this to protect his mental state which made it more easy for 'them' to mold a new ego with the name Elena. During the long time he was in Elena-mode until that weird day Seferi interacted with Elena again, which caused Andrew to resurface. I'm still unsure how Marina ties into all of this.

rafael teran

To keep the evidence from backfiring there would have to be a accident report that would coincide with the time that Andrew/Elena was undergoing surgery and healing from it, so they either know someone that can falsify documentation or someone that is a government worker which is why we haven’t seen the driver from before as an accident needed to happen to back up the story


Actually Toska cares. He’s a damn conservative and has that hypocritical concept about “family” and Andrew had to disguise as a wife in order to help Nikos negotiate with him.

Nino Heđi

Operative word being disguise. It started that way but there is something more sinistet here at work, worse than Toska that explains why they're trying to eradicate Andrew completely, you don't go so far for a disguise, also Toska's sight is bad so couldn't spot any detail even if he wanted to. Can you explain to me where is nikos's real wife? There is no single word about her all this time.


Maybe there was a wife and Andrew might have involuntary caused her to go away or disappear. Maybe this is some kind of revenge plot from Nikos similar to that movie 'The skin i live in'

Nino Heđi

I wouldn't be so sure because mellisa herself told me that andrew is being manipulated. Who and why are two mysteries left unsolved.

Alison St John

I agree with the time line Myra, from how Andrew looked after his surgery to how Elena looks now I'd suggest six months at least, I feel Nikos is hoping that Elena divulges what nightmares she's having, I feel that there's something happening still with some form of brainwashing so they can rid Andrew's memories altogether, I feel identity death is their goal, the way Elena has been interacting with her husband proves that it's working to some degree but for some reason it's not working and these memories are embedded in her memory. Maybe Nikos and his "family" are conspiring to keep Andrew as Elena due to the position they find themselves with this businessman, they've taken drastic actions and we're hoping the brainwashing would kill of Andrew's memories, I feel Marina is still part of this too... Melissa has hinted at an ending that's supposedly a happy one, the suggestion that most of these operations are fictional, so I feel there's also a way back for Andrew too, I also feel we are still to get clear reasons for Andrew's transformation and maybe then have more ideas of who is involved, I still feel this "happening" between Andrew and Marina has yet to be explained, why did she bring it up when she came back before the surgery visit.... It's still unclear what involvement the people outside of the family have on this transformation, I guess many answers will be produced in the not too distant future but I do love this interaction with Elena and Nikos, I wonder if Marina and her "husband" have flown back to America yet 🤔 One thing is for sure, Elena is adamant that she wants to find answers, so watch this space I guess 😊


Really hoping this ends with Andrew fading away and embracing being Elena.


Always love to read your thoughts. 🩵 If Elena wants answers, then asking the doc could be the most direct route. For them it would be best if Marina flies back to the states as every interaction between them could risk bringing Andrews mind back in control.

Nino Heđi

Mellisa also said that there is no brainwashing either. As i mention andrew woke up after who knows how long in bedroom fully healed looking every inch like a middleaged woman thorougly confused and mind all fuzzy. He had nighmares/flashbacks more than once and he said himself that he will regain his identity as andrew at any cost which means he has to keep playing their game carefully while at the same time protecting him true self. I also have confirmation from mellisa herself that andrew is being manipulated. Nightmares suggest that andrew is starting to realize it and it stands to reason that he will take apropriate steps to get out taking Marina very likely with him. Every new chapter following this one should start revealing the grand plan bit by bit.


Well Melissa is always cryptic with her messages as not to spoil anything. But most male protagonists from what I remember are being manipulated to one degree or another in most stories 😁


The doctor, in the dream, says it has been "a few weeks" since he and Elena last talked. Assuming he is referring to the pre- surgery conversation, which seems correct based on the conversation they have in the dream, then it doesn't seem like much time has passed. But you are then left, if he is being truthful, with an astoundingly fast recovery from some major surgery. There could also be a time gap from when the events in the dream occured and when Elena wakes up I'm her bed the day of the dinner party.

rafael teran

I do recall Melissa saying something like Elena won’t forget being Andrew, or something of the sort, but I’m not 100% certain

Phil G

So now we know how the physical changes were done. We still don't know how the mental changes were done. We still don't know why this was done and we don't know what Andrew's family knows, if anything about what has happened to Andrew. Looking forward to those answers.