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A lot of drama here, it seems...




Daughters:"Oh no Andrew, why did you agree to all this? What do we tell Marina now? Anyway we booked you for some language therapy 🙃" Also, 10cm can say a lot more about Nikos than Elenas body at the moment 😅


This might be the darkest chapter you've made across all your stories yet.


I know this is a dark chapter, but I don't want anyone with a bad taste in the mouth when this is story is finished. All I can say now is that the story won't have a dark ending! :)


Hmm… there’s a slight remaining part of Andrew there…😏


I love it. I've been looking forward to Andrew coming-to-terms with his enforced womanhood. Seems there is still one important decision left to make however.


Please forgive me for what I'll write next (I am sharing with you all my personal, subjective experience of this undoubtedly epic comic)... this was most painful to read for me from the beginning of this story... I am still here (and will stay to the very end) because of 2 reasons... wonderful quality of Melissa's renders AND because I am really way too curious just to leave now without knowing why all of this really happened... why very young body of Andrew was "devastated" so much with age progression surgeries by those bastards... (yes i have nothing against feminization). For some reason I am not into any age progression transformations... especially forced on innocent ones... Maybe Andrew isn't innocent as it look like for now? Nonetheless stealing 30+ years in just couple weeks is just too cruel for me.

Alison St John

It seems as though Andrew's hopes of returning to be a man and husband are shattered with all these irreversible operations, it's no wonder he/she fainted after being told how much had been done, although Andrew agreed to these alterations in the state of mind he was in when being questioned by the surgeon, I hope more things become apparent to Elena/Andrew's subconscious mind to piece together who was responsible for all this, how will this affect the relationship with Nikos, Marina and other members of the family, why would they do such drastic things to him knowing full well he would never agree to such things..... I do however love how you are showing how much more at ease Elena is with her husband, Melissa ❤️❤️❤️


If it helps at all Andrew still gets those 30 years. All Elena's internal organs are still as healthy as they ever were, and her life expectancy is as long as it was before. She simply lost the chance to experience how society treats a younger looking human.


Yeah... Elena will stay looking 50+ ish for another 30+ years... LOL


You say Andrew agreed to these alterations... I say he was programmed to say yes after anything that dude dressed in white would say... this is why he fainted after realizing how much damage was done... ;) his state of mind was kinda not on higher level than average... vegetable when he was "accepting" to all those surgeries... ❣️❣️❣️

Alison St John

That's exactly what I've put, if you read the part when he was talking to the surgeon he was accepting of all these things because he was obviously under the influence of whatever he was offered before going into the surgeon's office, a surgeon wouldn't do these procedures without his consent.....


Just to clarify, that wasn't a criticism! It's interesting to see this kind of things too. Looking forward to what happens next!


Not really. From what I understand the doc said NOW she looks around 50+ and progresses from here on out naturally like any other women her age group.


That was only about skin I think... not all rest... but yeah... kinda sucks a bit...


I wonder on page 8/16 when the doc said not ALL sideeffects would happen, if that's exactly what happened to Andrew 🤔 Could explain the behavior or why it made it so easy for 'them' to mold him into the perfect Elena.

Alison St John

I think we need to see what was discussed before Andrew and Marina arrived for the appointment, how Andrew was reacting beforehand, we also need to see who it was he saw before going in to see the doctor, the other confusing thing is the doctor was asking about clarification from a family member and asked Elena that he believed her niece was outside to speak to and Andrew/Elena said yes but Marina had left before Andrew went into see the Doctor so who was it he clarified the go ahead with?


I think in the end, Andrew will agree to be Elena and do the final operation. Then she will remarry Nikos with Marina as witness and we will see their honeymoon. 😳


"won't have a dark ending" but for whom? (meme here of the goose chasing asking for whom)


Man, I really dig this chapter. The way you planned this transformation with the extreme anatomical adjustments aswell as the addition of ailments a woman around this age would feel on daily basis is really well done. I was almost sure, but now I really consider this my favourite of your works Melissa 💙

Mike R Pen

Love the forced surgery.


Sorry if I misunderstood you... I took your "in the state of mind he was" as a bit more conscious state than you were implying, sorry ❣️I read this part of course and I remember that his answers were automatic... please don't be mad at me 👉👈

Alison St John

Not at all, just making my point more clear for you, it's brilliant the way Melissa keeps showing Andrew phasing in and out of control mentally 🤗


May I make a comment: Greece still has a fairly high smoking rate. In the overall comparison in 11th place and in the EU average even in 1st place. I would find it sweet if Elena were also addicted to nicotine after the surgery :)


I know that not everyone likes age progression stories. In fact, I'm surprised at the interest this story has generated because AP stories don't seem to be that popular. But don't take this story too seriously. All this would be impossible in real life, and my stories are just excuses to turn guys into women of different ages, ethnicity, and stuff like that... And like I said, this story won't have a dark ending. :)


I know this could make sense in this story, but I'm an ex-smoker myself and I want to stay away from cigarettes even in my stories. I don't want triggers...our minds are funny! :)


That's too bad. Would have been a good fit. I find that very sexy


I'm absolutely loving this saga unfold! This is a wonderful creative opera of sexy desires, intrigue, and maybe espionage?