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A new part! It's seems that things are getting crazier and crazier... 

"Journey" is coming in a day or two, as well! :) 




Womanhood is welcoming Elena.😍

Nick A

Mmmm can’t wait for the next chapter, Elena is going to get something she never thought would arouse her. I hope she doesn’t have a gag reflex now


I love how Andrew still hopes to not spend the rest of his life stuck in a dress as a mature lady. This will make the final revelation just so much more impactful. Also page 689. HOT!

Kathleen collins

Just incredible. The absolute femininity of Andrew in every way. I never knew how sexy discarded heels next to stocking feet could be (I mean I thought I knew but this is something else). Magnum opus of the TG genre. 🔥 🔥 🔥

Alison St John

This is so beautifully done, the inevitable is about to happen and I've been waiting for these interactions between man and wife since we first saw them together, loving this story so much 🩷🩷🩷


Zoom all the way in on the mirror


Andrew, my pal... sorry to say this, but what did you do in school in biology classes? Have you never heard of pheromones and hormones? And when they mix they create a very INEVITABLE chain of events hehe ;) My advice to you is this... buckle up and take that Elena body for a "very deep" sensual ride... enjoy :) ❣️❣️❣️

Alison St John

I wonder if Elena will use the "I have a headache excuse"


Pheromones and hormones will not explain why sexual preference changes. All people I know that transitionned, yet changing quite a bite thanks to hormones, have never experienced sexual preference change. (I am not aware of all situations of corse.)


Or the classic happens and the man finishes first and falls asleep before the woman does 😅

Alison St John

Oh brilliant, yes unsatisfied Elena would be great, although we all know Nikos is going to be a God in bed and Elena will be hooked 😘

France Day

Elena is about to become again the woman she has always been by this unfathomable desire for completeness that awakens at dawn.


Still feeling vulnerable about being naked, Niko pushes him back onto the bed. Andrew is battling the conflict between his natural instincts, his brainwashing and the physical sensations being experienced by this body they've given him. He shouldn't be able to feel Niko kiss his nipples like this surely? Niko comes back-up to kiss him on the mouth again. Wondering if the house is still bugged Andrew plays along but inside he is fuming. How has it come to this? How can they expect him to pretend to this extent? He makes his mind-up and vows that in the morning he is going to insist he is done, they are going to have to sort this mess without him. Maybe they can send him away or something so he can have the surgery reversed. In that very moment the full extent of his transformation is revealed to Andrew as Niko's penis gently slides into him. Andrew freezes, stunned. Trying desperately to process the new sensation. Niko pauses for a second before gently withdrawing a small amount and pushing again. Andrew feels the penis inside him move deeper. Surely the prosthetic can only be shallow can't it? But then how can I feel him inside of me? As Niko thrusts deeper again the depth of the sensations leave Andrew in little doubt he is not feeling a prosthetic. A few seconds and full consequences of that fact hit Andrew like a truck, just as Niko thrusts again so their bodies finally touch. "OMG. I'm really a woman."


We really need some pictures of Elena. She's just soooo beautiful 🤩

Finding Yourself

First time commenting. But this is one of the first stories that has a great mystery component that I am loving. Is it a conspiracy, did the wife get brainwashed or is she in on it, what was the purpose of going so far in the transformation? Can't wait to find out!


Nice! Although I‘m a little baffled… where did the bra suddenly come from? He didn’t wear it, while putting on the dress and it wasn’t showing in the deep cleavage. I‘m just curious. Also… who comes wet out of the shower and wears underwear under the towel?


My guess: It was left out because clipping errors.

France Day

A perfect introduction on the existential path to a deep revelation and a great sensuality alongside this language of bodily wisdom.


Or it's all a dream... In dreams, hight can change, language can be forgotten and bras can suddenly appear 😉


From the comments of Melissa I think that in general what we see here is neither a dream nor imagination. Something really happened to Andrew. Anyway I like that bra on Elena 😊