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Hey guys! 

I'm going to be out of town for five days. I was thinking of scheduling this part to be posted over the weekend, but since this is already done, I thought, why not post it today? hehe So here it is! I'll be back next week.

Chapter 17 is almost finished. Now there's only one last scene left... with Elena and Nikos in their bedroom.




Agree with Elena. I almost felt sorry for Joel, but that might be a trap as well. Anyway, I hope everything goes right in the bedroom... 😁 Safe travels, Melissa!


Man, her pose at slide 8, totally in character/her new persona there, no? And the rest of it, too, but more subtle. Nice. Also thinking that she will ask that they find his "old self" maybe?

Alison St John

Have a safe trip Melissa 🙏💕

Larry Talbot

Love her broken English! Please don't let her go back to her/his old life!

David P Wilkerson

You know I love you and your stories .... with that being said this one seems a tad confusing . Anyways I hope you have a wonderful trip Melissa

burninsun1 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 09:23:59 I love her pose, her reaction and the the passion in defending her husband ❤️
2023-04-27 04:17:42 I love her pose, her reaction and the passion in defending her husband ❤️

I love her pose, her reaction and the passion in defending her husband ❤️


Joel wants to break free from the prison he lives in. Ironic he says that to Elena. I wonder if Andrew can still believes he can go back to being a man after the next scene. Have a nice trip Melissa 💙

Mellissa Lynn

Nice piece! :) Have a good safe trip...

Nick A

I can’t wait for the bedroom scene, it should be the best part so far


It get’s more and more complicated… we‘ll find out, if all storylines converge at the end. But that doesn’t matter too much for me, as long as Andrew struggles along in Elenas sexy body 😏

MaggieHeels (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 12:35:48 I will share my personal thoughts about all that I'm witnessing here. I love how much work Melissa puts into her work... This masterpiece is really polished in both... renders and the story... There is no doubt that this particular comic is pleasing both... eyes and the brain... It is definitely in top 10 of all TG comics I ever read... Every time when I find such diamond I am very emotional and I am attaching closely to main characters... Somebody who knows me would probably admit that I am taking those stories too seriously and I keep forgetting that those are fictional stories placed in fictional universes... For me I would love that Andrew would adapt & accept who he presents now totally on his own... like it would be entirely his fully conscious (with all the memory of his past life) decision and not an identity murder by brainwashing him to the deepest core... IDK which path Melissa will choose... we are only in the middle of this whole so many twisted story but it is her story not mine so I'll accept whatever will happen... At this moment I can only imagine that both of them from the very first page can still be close to each other if not as marriage then at least as BFFs ? I really want to believe Marina was/is good person who didn't want to "kill" Andrew's identity... P.S. Have a safe trip & great time Melissa ❣️ P.S. 2 I LOVE how Elena still talks in perfect English while talking in her mind... maybe her greek-ish talking is because of some physical surgery? Like on some very lovely Thembanian beauty from neighbor universe ... :}
2023-04-27 07:43:50 I will share my personal thoughts about all that I'm witnessing here. I love how much work Melissa puts into her work... This masterpiece is really polished in both... renders and the story... There is no doubt that this particular comic is pleasing both... eyes and the brain... It is definitely in top 10 of all TG comics I ever read... Every time when I find such diamond I am very emotional and I am attaching closely to main characters... Somebody who knows me would probably admit that I am taking those stories too seriously and I keep forgetting that those are fictional stories placed in fictional universes... For me I would love that Andrew would adapt & accept who he presents now totally on his own... like it would be entirely his fully conscious (with all the memory of his past life) decision and not an identity murder by brainwashing him to the deepest core... IDK which path Melissa will choose... we are only in the middle of this whole so many twisted story but it is her story not mine so I'll accept whatever will happen... At this moment I can only imagine that both of them from the very first page can still be close to each other if not as marriage then at least as BFFs ? I really want to believe Marina was/is good person who didn't want to "kill" Andrew's identity... P.S. Have a safe trip & great time Melissa ❣️ P.S. 2 I LOVE how Elena still talks in perfect English while talking in her mind... maybe her greek-ish talking is because of some physical surgery? Like on some very lovely Thembanian beauty from neighbor universe ... :}

I will share my personal thoughts about all that I'm witnessing here. I love how much work Melissa puts into her work... This masterpiece is really polished in both... renders and the story... There is no doubt that this particular comic is pleasing both... eyes and the brain... It is definitely in top 10 of all TG comics I ever read... Every time when I find such diamond I am very emotional and I am attaching closely to main characters... Somebody who knows me would probably admit that I am taking those stories too seriously and I keep forgetting that those are fictional stories placed in fictional universes... For me I would love that Andrew would adapt & accept who he presents now totally on his own... like it would be entirely his fully conscious (with all the memory of his past life) decision and not an identity murder by brainwashing him to the deepest core... IDK which path Melissa will choose... we are only in the middle of this whole so many twisted story but it is her story not mine so I'll accept whatever will happen... At this moment I can only imagine that both of them from the very first page can still be close to each other if not as marriage then at least as BFFs ? I really want to believe Marina was/is good person who didn't want to "kill" Andrew's identity... P.S. Have a safe trip & great time Melissa ❣️ P.S. 2 I LOVE how Elena still talks in perfect English while talking in her mind... maybe her greek-ish talking is because of some physical surgery? Like on some very lovely Thembanian beauty from neighbor universe ... :}


Elena thinks in greek and has trouble understanding and speaking English. (Mentioned in one of her thought bubbles)


Wow, this's so amazing😍, love how Elena acting and her accent, with such details I feel like I'm watching some serial. I can't wait to see where these plot threads lead us. Have a good trip, Melissa!

Harley Allen

Ever time you think something good is going to happen she gets Elena gets distracted by someone else and then…. Nothing


Love how Elena is getting into her new identity of Greek sexy mature woman😍


OKAY I already forgot that... my shitty memory isn't helping in solving mystery of this comic... This actually is something that really bothers me among other "too weird" things that happened... the simplest explanation for them is to say that this is normal for this fictional universe... Because IRL for somebody who speaks the same language from birth for over 20 years... it is not a trivial thing to eradicate it from the brain so easily...


Hmm you’re starting to lose me here. This story has been going on for quite a bit. It would be nice to start getting some payoff and less new mysteries

Mandy Zane

Maybe what makes this set feel particularly like a filler episode is that neither of these characters move at all during this scene--Elena has been standing in the same literal spot for two scenes now. I think the lack of "drama" is heightened because we wanted to follow Marina and learn more about what is happening with her and instead we get interrupted from that exciting conversation with this park-and-bark moment. Maybe these story driven scenes would feel more exciting if there was still something visually interesting happening in them.


So, not only does Elena's ability to speak English get noticeably more poor here, Andrew suddenly seems to have knowledge that he wouldn't or shouldn't have - recognizing the bald guy, and his name and background. Defending Nikos, all very strange. And who does she want to find? The bandaged lady? The missing driver?


Maybe Andrew knew him before he became Elena, Could or would mean Andrew wasnt as innocent in his past or came into contact with some dubious people.


Yes, that is a possibility I have thought about,that Andrew is not quite the complete innocent victim here. On the other hand,Crete almost seems to be a split personality going in with Andrew/Elena, like a fight fir control of his body that Andrew seems to be losing at the moment.


Or perhaps a fight over _a_ body, since it doesn't really resemble Andrews body at all anymore.


This story is fantastic. Honestly I hope that the misteries will not be solved too early because I want this story to go on for long time. In the meantime I am enjoying every scene of it! I am so curious for the Elena's first scene of sex.. can't wait for it!


Will we get journey next?

Victor Gerrett

Hmmm... I'm trying to untie this massive Gordian Knot. When Andrew was in disguise, he was taller, looked different, and did not speak with such a pronounced accent. Many people have now interacted with both versions of Elena, so I am curious how this plays out.

Alison St John

I can't wait for the next few chapters of this story, I feel its getting to the stage whereby Andrew is lost to his new life as Elena, once the real delights of womanhood are experienced I feel there's no going back and Elena will embrace her new life, I hope this complex story will reveal itself and maybe we'll see why all these events took place....🥰


It seems like there is almost a different story he jumps into after the doctor visit. Up to that point it's like Andre in disguise and everyone knows that. After it's like he's inhabiting a woman's body, not his body, and everyone thinks he really is Elena.


I'm confused. The same people who met Elena pre hospital meet her now and act like nothing is different. Pre hospital Elena doesn't look anything like post hospital Elena. Pre hospital Elena is 5'10" tall, with a masculine face and broad shoulders, while post hospital Elena is 5'5" with an absolutely feminine face, narrow shoulders, etc., and nobody notices? I realize the family may be in on a conspiracy, but all the side characters Elena met pre and post hospital don't see the differences? Does that mean that everyone in Greece is in on the deception?


I wonder if the person Andrew last saw before the operation might have been that man Joel showed Elena.

Kathleen collins

Very excited to see the next part. This is such a well done story. Great writing, incredible art, and while she has a lot of balls in the air, I am totally confident of Melissa's ability to juggle them. Not sure of another piece of TG artwork/media that is such a complete package!


I understand, David, but everything will become much clearer in the next chapter. :)


Thanks for the kind words, my friend! What I can say right now is that Elena will not forget who she used to be at any point in the story. :)


I understand, Samus! We'll start solving some mysteries in chapter 18.


The story will go on for quite some time, but we'll start to solve some mysteries in chapter 18.


People who saw Elena before the surgery and who might find her new look intriguing are Dimitra and Stefanos. But it's good to remember that they only saw her once. When Joel first saw Elena, Nikos had broken his glasses. :)


The only ones who might find the situation odd are Dimitra and Stefanos. Joel had broken glasses when he first met Elena and could barely see anything.


Yes, you are right. I may have been too broad in my generalization about 'all of Greece'. Dimitra and her son are who I was referring to. It is not too much for them to be in on the conspiracy. If so, I take back my comment above and am no longer confused.