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A familiar face... :) 




The man who was chasing Marina in Crete, interesting...


Poor Andrew. Can't even have a bit time with his wife. Marina seemed a bit distressed, like the facade was slipping for a bit. When Andrew mentioned to anyone else he was actually a man everyone just pretended he's not without a blink of an eye but Marina reacted differently. It's good to see his identity didn't fully die. I wonder who that man is for Andrew though. He clearly doesn't look greek to me :D


Hmm… once Marina was mrs. Woods (at the clinic), now she’s mrs. Evans… 😏


I'm glad this part confirms part of my theory that Joel is Seferi's accomplice. This is evident now. What I want to understand is what Seferi's plan is. The day before Elena was discharged from the hospital, Seferi visited her and explained everything. Did he explain everything about the plan or what? If yes, what did he ask her to do? To follow Marina to the bathroom? How should Elena help Seferi to take revenge on Mr Toska in this situation? How is that bald man, who stalked Marina in Crete, supposed to remind Elena of anything? If Joel had shown it to Marina maybe she could have helped him. Regarding Joel, Seferi called him to action at the party and in fact his move is to show Elena a picture of that man. My feeling is that it may be a man close to Mr Toska. Other comments: Joel, as well as Seferi, seem very nervous on the phone, as if their plan has been complicated by some unexpected event. Perhaps Elena's alleged accident? It's been said several times that Marina plays an active role in Andrew's transformation into Elena, but at this point it seems to me that Marina may also have been brainwashed as well. The fact that she can't speak Greek and that she was followed by the bald man could mean that something happened to her too. By the way, for me, Marina is the most difficult character to understand at the moment. Last detail: in the last episode James said that Greek is a difficult language that requires at least some years of learning. I don't think it's a random statement. In my opinion it could be a clue that we must re consider the entire timeline of events. Perhaps it is true that much more time has passed from the moment of the feminization surgery to the awakening of Andrew's conscience perhaps triggered by Seferi's visit to the hospital. Otherwise James' statement could be a misdirection attempt for us readers. There could be a technology or a way that allowed Elena to learn greek quickly and forget english :D


Aunt Elena, Aunt Elena, Aunt Elena… she uses the name every time. Seems to me, like there are several trigger phrases. Also, they currently don’t work as expected. (Well done Melissa!) I was hoping, that at least Marina would acknowledge Andrews identity and blame the behaviour of everyone on the dire circumstances and surveillance… but no. He has no allies in this family.


"This is not the gud time, Joel". I've recorded this sentence with greek accent eheh :) in general Elena's english is not good anymore also in the other sentences. Melissa's work is super!


I don’t think, Marina was brainwashed. The mentioning of the earrings twice is a clue for me, that she knows about his hypnotherapies (or something like that) and tried to enforce a conditioning. She is probably involved from the start. What happened several months ago, as mentioned by Andrew when he woke up?


What do you mean? Why mentioning the earrings excludes this possibility? I have also thougt that Marina was voluntarily responsible for what happened to Andrew but last episodes took away centainty about this.


If she was brainwashed into believing, Andrew was always Elena, she would not use such a trigger phrase. (I think, that the earrings are one of them. Others are "Sophisticated Lady", "Dedicated Mother" or "feeling of stockings") Therefore, my conclusion is, that Marina is involved from the start. But who knows... The story keeps surprising me 😉


The timeline is something that is intriguing. If many months passed then shouldn't it be close to autumn/winter? Or maybe an entire year passed which would explain why some of the changes are so drastic and "complete" and Andrew doesn't question the different climate or temperature. Even in greece it can get cold around the winter season :D

Harley Allen

Just when I thought it was going to get good…

Alison St John

I'm still of the opinion there's something off about Marina, her actions all the way through the story have been very strange to say the least, she couldn't wait to use Joel as an excuse to get away from Elena, I am at a loss to where this goes from hereon in, I agree that there definitely some kind of brainwashing going on and I also agree that a significant amount of time has passed for Elena's extensive operations to heal and settle, her breasts especially, they look so natural, implants on Andrew's chest would never have settled so naturally, I really look forward to flashbacks of the most important parts of this story, most being around Marina's dissappearing acts when Andrew needed her most....


I am so confused with Marina... one side of my brain tells me she's cruel bitch and maybe she is the one who keeps that carousel of madness spinning but i don't see a clear motive yet why she would be so determined to do all of this... the second part of my brain wants to believe she's somehow unbelievable innocent as well and one on one on the way to restroom talking like Andrew never existed was because she's too afraid how many hidden mics and cams are there... maybe she's cooperating with Joel and both of them wants to save Elena along with memory about her past life as Andrew (because Andrew fertile man is already permanently lost)


Yes exactly. It looked like just 2 weeks passed after the surgery but it could also be like one year. Anyway I also remember also that Elena and her daughter organized the reception party with Angelos that would have taken place in just few months and also Mr Toska should have come back to close the deal in 2 3 months and unless Andrew conscience doesn't remember, the deal has not been closed yet. So this bring us again to the short timeline. Don't know if you agree with me

Ms Scarlett Raven

Hypnotism can't make you do anything you don't want to. So does that mean that on some level Andrew wants to be Elena?


I think you bring up a lot of good points and observations. I don't think Seferi is the ringleader here- in the phone call earlier he seemed to indicate he was being forced to participate in whatever the scheme is. I get the feeling Joel was on the phone to someone else here. Or maybe Joel was faking the phone call altogether as a means to trick Elena. Marina is the biggest puzzle, you are correct. I have no idea who's side she is on - My feeling is she is trying to help Andrew, but could well be wrong. My idea is that Andrew may have spoken Greek better than he let on early, that he (and Marina?) had a plan to con the family, someone figured it out and he is now stuck in a scheme far beyond what he ever imagined.


In real life sure, but in a story you can go further. Andrew would never want to be a woman, but without hypnosis you know he is willing to pretend to be one for someone he loves. So you use hypnosis to push it further and further.


Noooooooooooooooo would it be that simple ??? Marina tries to tell Elena that there are hidden mics in her earrings??? And why she implied so much that Elena must talk to Joel without Marina around... Melissa, you're literally squishing my brain ;) ❣️❣️❣️


Generally, yes, but you can get around this to some extent if you use a trick to make the person themselves want to do what you are trying to get them to do and use hypnosis only as an 'amplifier'.


Refresh my memory please... where is the first mention of earrings if here is the second one? I see here only one mention...


When Marina came down and greeted her Aunt. She asked where she bought those earrings, because they look marvelous.


I still believe something happened to Marina too. She too was offered tea at the clinic. Maybe they started altering her mind and memory when Andrew went into the final surgery.

Alison St John

Each person I reflect on being the perpetrator of Andrew's plight I run into a wall of reasoning why it doesn't make sense, I know there's many more chapters yet to this story and I believe the plot is going to be so intricate in detail, I think flashbacks will enlighten us when the timing is right 😉


Well, at this point, everyone does seem in on it, as it seems no one believes Elena used to be Andrew, which they all did acknowledge before. They have progressed from calling him Andrew at first to calling him Elena (but still acknowledging it is Andrew) in order to fool Joel and Tośka, to outright not acknowledging Andrew ever existed. Couple that with some very hard to explain physical changes, and it is a very tricky puzzle. But fun to try and figure out.


Melissas comment about Marinas lack of greek language gives me a lot to think about. And even those theorys could either go to reinforce her role as being in on it and isolating Andrew more by not being fully able to communicate with him, to hiding it from James on purpose for another reason. Each part in this chapter opens up more questions for me than it answers :D

Alison St John

I think that's exactly it Myra, each new part adds to the intrigue, whatever plotlines you start to form, something happens that makes you change your mind 😉


I have no idea where this story is going, but I’m loving it, and am definitely in for the long haul


I found it ch17 pt3 p5 :) imagine that Marina knows that there is a wire in them 😁


Do you think there is something about the earrings? I thought it was just a way to stess out the fact that between Elena and Marina there could be from now on just lady talks and topics


Probably. Marina was stressing out she REALLY liked the earrings. Either it's a trigger phase for the conditioning that does not work anymore or she wanted Andrew to take them off and give them a good look.


It can be a trigger phrase yes. Undoubtely Elena has been pestered by words and sentences that underlined her femininity, like Angeliki saying she should always wear pantyhoses and high heels like a proper mature woman. The sentence of Marina gives us the idea of the new dimension of their relationship: no more partners but ladies that compares themselves and get inspiration from each other about clothes, make up, hairstyles and accessories


Don't know if I am wrong but the voice of the person that is talking does not come from the section of the room where Joel appears. Is there another person in the bathroom? Is Marina meeting this other person?

Nino Heđi

I will tell you one thing about story and i got info from Melissa. Andrew/Elena is being manipulated by someone bit i don't now who.