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Finally a new part! :)

EDIT: Fixed Marina's neck on last page ;-P




Here we go! ❤

Alison St John

Well it seems the group gathered are acting as if Elena is who she seems to be, I wonder how Marina is going to react if Elena tells her about Andrew......

Alison St John

I also wonder, if Marina is in on this with others, does she think Andrew has been totally brainwashed and will not expect Elena to mention Andrew.....


Hmm I don't know about this all. Marina seems to tease Andrew with what she is saying and doing. I still think the mindgames made Andrew "confess" he wants to BE Elena and that he willingly got the operation without Marina knwoing of it beforehand. Maybe when they finally have their 1 on 1 and he tries to tell the truth she will just ask him "Isn't that what you wanted?". If Marina was really involved in all of that she would have gone all out and kissed James on the lips like Nikos did with Elena to hit it more home for Andrew. With Melissas recent comments I'm starting to doubt that these daughters are even related to Nikos by blood. :D


Yes… respect women, but don’t bend their neck in a way, only lizards can 😉 Please check the last panel once more… Marina looks kinda weird. Looking forward to the bathroom girly talk. Are they going to sit on the toilet while doing so? I mean… like proper ladies do.


Unless... you are right. Now that would be a plottwist and explain their behavior if they were all lizardpeople :D


hahaha alright, I'll fix her pose! Hadn't noticed how weird she looked before! ;-P


This story, along with all the cliffhangers, does to my brain what a mixer does to egg whites when whipping foam. ❣️❣️❣️Can't wait for the talk in ladies restroom.


Imagine now that Elena and Marina will go to the bathroom and they will see and catch Joel talking to the phone with Seferi. We will know a lot about Marina role in this situation...


Following their discussions on the loo where Marina is shocked to discover the full extent of Andrew's changes, I think it dawns on them they've both been manipulated. What's more they realise they are still in great danger and both must carry-on the pretence if they are to survive this "family". Hence in order to protect his wife one of Andrew's last duties as a "husband" is to become a woman for Nikos.


So Nikos has gone from (in the first chapter) guy who has been with many women, none successfully, to long term happily married monogamous sweetheart. James points out how hard it is and how long it takes to learn Greek. I assume Seferi has done some sort of hypnosis or similar to Andrew in the hospital to cause his language difficulties, but his proficiency in Greek disturbs me, did Andrew actually speak Greek before all this and was hiding that fact? Elena does not express surprise that she knows Greek, just that she is speaking it: without being aware. (This is my idea that Andrew came with the intention of a con job, but got conned hinself and is in way more deep then planned). Seferi is expecting someone at the dinner to do something Joel? James? Marina? All 3 had possible actions here.


Yes, Andrew knew Greek before the trip. He learned this because of Marina. What is strange is James saying that Marina doesn't speak Greek when she knew Greek before...


I guessed something hehe the picture of the bald man who was stalking Marina now surprised me :)