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Hey guys!

After I finish "Journey", I'm going to take a break from working on panel stories. I feel like the format is worn out, and I'm writing very similar stories, just changing the characters. It's hard to come up with fresh ideas and original plots in such a limited format.

So, after "Journey," I will be working on two comics simultaneously, "Mirror" and "Kpop". Yes, the new Kpop will be a comic, but those familiar with the story need not worry. The new version will only be inspired by the old one, so you won't get bored reading the same story twice. 

I believe I've improved at least a little bit as a storyteller and artist since that time, so I think the story will now be much more interesting, with a plot that makes more sense. :) 


shpee wang

KPop idol coming to comic form? Most hype I've had this year :)


All for the change, and the only suggestion I'd make is to have at least one active short story. A 1-3 month thing.


If you are going to be moving on from panels for the foreseeable future will you wrap up some of your pannelled stories before you do? Not So Temporary Roommate left at a very open point and would be great if it had an epilogue of some sort to just see how everything ended. Regardless please enjoy whatever you move on to next!


K-pop idol!!!

Robyn Hoode

Your story telling has always been good and, to be honest, I prefer your text only fiction. However, I'm very impressed with your image rendering skills in Aphrodites Mirror, which is slowly but surely winning me over to illustrated fiction.


It's a good idea! 😘 Before that, it would have been cool to have a bonus chapter of A (Not So) Temporary Roommate with Destiny doing its final operation with an explicit part, if possible. 🤤


I love the style of your content already as it is, however right now reading your choice of making comics makes me even more excited. Keep up the high quality content you are already doing and you will have my continuous support. ❤️




"Not so temporary Roommate" will be finished. I know I wasn't fair with some old stories, but eventually all of them will be finished, like Kpop now.