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Here's a new part! :) 



Alison St John

I also wonder about that womanly waist and hips mentioned, how long will it be before those features are prominent I wonder x


OMG, he is enjoying it 💁🏼‍♀️


He is "feeling" the breasts and isn't aware that the vagina can be "filled" too. Looks like she is in for a surprise

Erica Rost

He has become a prisoner of whom he does not know what will be done with her!


Yes, womanly hips, that gave birth to two kids. 👍 I‘m pretty sure, Melissa will do a great job with his body 😏.


Very nicely done. I love the slow transition and his mental struggle. It’s a good idea, that he thinks, he is just acting for half a year 👍 Is it possible, to let the breasts „hang“ a little more in Pictures like Page 16? They are in the same position as while he is standing, that seems odd.

Phil G

So is the lesson the girls will teach Elena an "oral" demonstration?


The internal conflict he has with his situation is my favourite part. Hope he doesn't get used to it too fast and still thinks this is just a one time thing over soon >:)


Each chapter is well worth the wait….excited for the next one👀

Robyn Hoode

An interesting set of images that only go to demonstrate Andrew's ever deepening impersonation of Elena (though it seems to be getting to be less of an impersonation and more a life-style - albeit (hopefully) a temporary one. The conversation with his niece/wife could be interesting. Will she seek some solace? There's new young man hanging around after all


Loving this one! Cant wait for the next chapter! 😯


That's a good point, my friend! I'll see what I can do from now on! :)


Thank you, Robyn! Looks like the girls want their "mom's immersion" to be complete!


Thank you so much, Kannel! It's so great to see you here! I love your work! :)

Phil G

Maybe later on Marina can give her lessons.