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"Are you ready, Ti-Ti?" Alyssa asked, as the cheerleaders got into formation.

"N-no!" Timothy cried out in response, his eyes full of dread.

"Nonsense! You trained very hard for this. I'm sure you will do very well!"

When the speakers started playing some upbeat bubblegum pop song, the girls started to perform a lively and feminine choreography, smiling and waving their pom-poms all the time. With no choice, Timothy joined them, although he doubted the wide smile on his face looked natural, considering how scared he was.

When the routine was nearing its end, after four minutes that seemed to last forever for the feminized guy, he took two steps forward, while the other cheerleaders waved their pom-poms around him – it was time for his solo. As Timothy started swinging his hips from side to side, with his arms up, he could not only see but also feel all eyes on him...

That was an indescribable experience, to say the least. As a musician, Timothy had always dreamed of having the attention of an entire stadium on him, but he could never have imagined that it would happen in such circumstances, with him wearing a tiny cheerleader uniform and with his big boobs bouncing nonstop as he danced.

The feminized guy had no idea how he managed to finish his solo, but when he did a graceful pirouette and landed on the lawn with his legs spread in a perfect split, he sighed, relieved.

The entire stadium burst into screams and cheers, while Timothy remained in the center of the field, trying to calm down enough to stand up again. He needed to recover quickly, though. As he knew very well, the show wasn't over yet...

As a grand finale for the girls' presentation, they had planned to make a human pyramid, with Tiffany on top, of course, since Abigail was determined that Tiffany would be the big star of the day. However, when the girls started helping Timothy to get up off the lawn, the feminized guy immediately realized that something was wrong...

"Wait, girls!" he asked. "I... I t-think..." but the adrenaline was so high that nobody paid any attention to what he was trying to say – before Timothy realized it, he was already being lifted into the air, hoping with all his might that the worst wouldn't happen.

When he reached the top, over fifteen feet from the ground, the stadium cheered with even more enthusiasm as he raised his arms, with the best smile he could come up with...

...but that was when his worst fear came true.

Timothy had little time to react when his top straps snapped. He covered his breasts with his hands as quickly as possible, managing to prevent the stadium from seeing them, but it was enough for him to lose his balance and, consequently, shake the entire pyramid...

A second later, Timothy felt intense pain as his body hit something hard. Fortunately, however, his fall had been dampened by the girls at the base of the pyramid, and he had no injuries, besides some bruises on his arms and legs.

Not everyone was so lucky, though. Looking around, the feminized guy could see that Kate, for instance, had an ugly bump on her forehead; and Lilly, the girl Abigail had scolded before the game, had a black eye, and was rolling in pain, holding her left arm.

Timothy, shocked by what had happened, and still using his arms to protect his exposed boobs, felt hands lifting him up again, and guiding him towards the locker rooms, while part of the stadium laughed at them, although most people, especially the home crowd, looked concerned...


"What the hell is wrong with you, you stupid bitch?!" Abigail yelled at Timothy inside the locker room. "Do you want to kill us all? Look what you've done. A lot of girls are injured! And that's not all... this squad has never faced greater shame in its history... ever! Are you satisfied now?"

"Shut up now, Abigail! Don't you think you..." Alyssa tried to say, but she was soon interrupted by the other girl.

"Don't tell me to shut up! Who do you think you are? I'm your captain, remember? You can't save your attention whore friend's ass this time around!"

"A-attention whore?" Timothy stammered, with tears in his eyes, finally daring to look up.

"Don't play dumb now, you slut! Do you really think I don't know what happened? You were so desperate to show your fake tits to the entire stadium that you made everybody fall to the ground!"

"W-what!" the feminized guy gasped. "T-that's not true! I would never do something like that!"

What followed next was pure chaos, with Alyssa, Kate and Timothy's other friends exchanging accusations with Abigail and her henchgirls – not only that, but it seemed like everyone had something to say, and the confusion was so great that it was difficult to understand what was truly going on.

Suddenly, though, a sharp, piercing scream made everyone shut up. Startled, all the girls turned to Lilly, the girl had been hurt the most in the incident, and was still holding her arm, which was getting more and more swollen.

"L-listen, everyone..." she started talking, taking deep breaths, as if she were building up courage for what was to come next. "Abigail... she... umm... she's lying. I saw everything... before the game, she was the one who did something to Tiff's top."

Everyone looked at Abigail, dumbfounded. "What do you think you're doing, dumbass?!" Abigail snarled at Lilly, who stepped back, frightened. "Is this some lame attempt at revenge? 'Cos I scolded you before the game?"

"I'm not lying!" Lilly protested, in a challenging tone, trying her best not to be intimidated by the killer expression of the other girl. "And I have proof!" she declared, raising her phone. "I recorded everything from the bathroom cabin!"

All of Abigail's efforts to take the phone from Lilly's hands were in vain, as she was stopped by the girls around, eager to watch the video.

The recording left no room for doubt. It was evident that Abigail had indeed sabotaged Timothy's uniform and, this way, had been responsible for the accident in the field.

"So what?" Abigail screamed, losing control of her temper one more time. "Yes, I did it, but it was nothing less than this freak deserved! You girls can see it, right? Right?! He's not even a real girl. He's just... a disgusting thing! You girls can't side with him... Didn't he want attention so badly? What better way to get it than by showing off his fake tits to everyone? We all worked our ass out to be in this squad and this freak became famous just for being an aberration!"

In Abigail's mind, she was perhaps making a great point, but the truth was, the more she tried to justify herself, the more furious and sick the other girls looked. "Get out of here right now, Abigail" Alyssa said in a controlled but menacing tone. "Do it before I change my mind and beat the crap out of you."

"You can't kick me out of the locker room, bitch!" Abigail screamed, hysterically. "I am the captain! The squad will be on my side!"

"Oh, do you really think so?" Alyssa mocked her. "Let's see if you're right, then. Who votes for Abigail's immediate expulsion from the squad raise your hand!"

And so everyone did, even Abigail's cronies, after some reluctance, realizing that that was a lost cause. "I can't believe this" Abigail whined. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm being betrayed by all of you, after everything I've done for this squad. Be sure of something, you will all regret it!" she added, like some villain of a B-movie. "Oh, and one last thing, freak" she turned to Timothy. "Just for your information, I wasn't the only one behind all this. Actually, I was just doing a favor for my uncle and your dear daddy. You see? You are a disgrace to your own family" she finished, just before leaving the locker room.

"So, your dad was involved in this mess, Ti-Ti?" Alyssa commented, with a curious expression in her face. "Seems like we'll need to have a little chat with Mr. Foster later. But now, we need to choose a new captain for the squad."

"Well, I think everyone knows who the obvious candidate is, right?" Chloe said. "It's you, Lyss" she asserted, and most girls nodded in agreement.

"That's awesome to know that you girls think si, but I don't want to be the new captain. Actually, this is my last game as a cheerleader."

"What?!" Gabriella exclaimed, as surprised as the rest of the squad.

"That's right, girls. It's nothing personal, believe me. I'm just, like, getting to know myself better and I realized that I want to change some stuff from now on. But I have a suggestion myself for the new captain..."


Timothy felt his body numb when he returned to the field some time later. After all that drama, now he was not only a cheerleader but also the captain of the squad.

When Alyssa suggested his name, he was sure the squad would laugh in her face. However, to his utter astonishment, the girls started to seriously ponder the idea, and, after Alyssa argued that no one represented the spirit of that squad better than Tiffany, who had faced enormous challenges not only to be a cheerleader, but also to be the girl she had always been meant, always showing unwavering courage and determination, it was all settled. Timothy was elected the new captain, even if in his case this was just a symbolic position, since the season was almost over and he obviously would need everyone's support to perform his duties.

Obviously, he tried to refuse the being the captain, stammering that he wasn't even a girl, but all the cheerleaders told Tiffany never to repeat that again. She couldn't let Abigail enter her mind, and she was as much a girl as everyone else in the room.

Then, despite the fact that he was feeling extremely nervous, he did his best to lead the squad in the second half of the game. He couldn't deny that he started to feel a stronger bond with the girls, after being chosen as their leader; and, even without understanding the game, even he could see how exciting the second half was being, with the game getting tougher and tougher as the end approached.

And then, when the home team secured victory in the last few seconds of the game, scoring once again thanks to Martin, Tiffany was the first one to run towards the center of the field, fully ecstatic. She jumped into Martin's arms, and he smiled widely.

"You did it!" she cried out, barely containing her excitement. "I mean, I don't know exactly what you did, but it looked totes awesome!"

In response, Martin kissed Tiffany on the lips for the first time since the gala, and she kissed him back, as people around celebrated...

...that definitely was a happy day for the little town in the middle of nowhere.



Mika W

I am a bit disappointed Kate is completely out of the picture. :-(

Mika W

Thanks for the awesome Story and art.


Unexpected but charming. Can wait for more

Sara Dune Tone

Omg they are so perfect ❤️


God Abigail had me near to tears but it's great she has real friends who will defend her