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Things were really not going well for Timothy that day, as he thought in the passenger seat of Matt's car. Since he hadn't had the guts to tell Kate the truth, he now had no one to help him get out of the tough situation he was in, and had no idea about what he was going to do next. 

He also had to attend his first training as a cheerleader after lunch, which was a lot uncomfortable, to say the least, considering that almost half of the school decided to watch the session, mostly because everyone was curious about his performance in the squad.

To make things even worse, another unfortunate incident happened when Timothy was leaving school, in the late afternoon, once again in Kate's company. Before he realized what was going on, a strong light blinded him for a moment, and he heard a deep voice asking, "Ms. Foster, would you mind answering some questions for our audience?" 

"W-what?" Timothy stammered, confused. His eyes then slowly got used to the sudden light, and he found himself in front of a TV camera and a smiling reporter. 

"But where are my manners, right?" the reporter continued, smiling even wider. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Bill Walker from HLB News Channel. Does the name ring a bell?" he asked with a wink, clearly convinced that everyone around knew very well who he was, and straightening his sleek blond hair, as if he were getting ready to be bombarded by selfie requests. 

Now that Timothy was being able to see clearly again, he realized that he had indeed already seen that man before. He was a pompous reporter who worked for some local news channel, and Timothy had always felt a little sick whenever he saw the man on TV, giving how affected he looked with his a little too white teeth and fake smile. 

"Why would you even want to interview me, anyway?" Timothy asked, crossing his arms. "I don't remember doing anything special."

"Ah, don't say that, Ms. Foster. Sure, a reporter like me has a lot of important issues to address... the mayor can barely sign a document without me being around. But the truth is that since yesterday you have become everybody's favorite subject. People just can't get enough of the boy-to-cheerleader story! Even Reverend Clark spoke about you, in his first public statement since... Black Death, I guess? I bet that grumpy old bat was already around when the country was founded. His words weren't very kind, though. He mentioned something about moral degeneration and eternal condemnation to hell... yes, something along those lines. But who cares, right? There is no such thing as bad publicity!" he concluded, with another of his smirks. "So, can you answer a couple of questions now?"

"I'm not sure this is a good idea!"

"Umm... Can you give us a minute, Mr. Walker?" Kate intervened, and then, after a few steps, she addressed Timothy in a whisper, "I think you should talk to him, Tiff." 

"What?! Why?" 

"Listen, this is your call, of course, and I know this guy is a pain in the ass, but I think it'd be important for people to hear what you have to say. Not everyone is on the internet, and people need to understand what transsexuality is. They need to see that you are not a monster or a pervert. You're just a normal girl wanting to live your life like any other."

"B-but how could I even say that in front of the camera? C'mon, Kate! It sounds, like, way too complicated!"

"Trust me, honey. You just need to be yourself." 

And just like that, Timothy ended up giving a touching interview, in which he declared how happy he was to finally be living like the girl he had always dreamed of being, and how excited he was about joining the cheer squad and taking part in a beauty contest; all to the delight of the small crowd of onlookers who had formed a circle around him. 

What else could he have done? At that point, Kate was not only sure that he was genuinely a trans girl, but also believed that he wanted to inspire other trans girls everywhere, after all. All the feminized guy knew was that the deeper he got in that charade, that harder it would be to get out of it...

And now that he wasn't only a sensation on the internet but had also appeared on TV, he couldn't understand how Matt was acting so naturally as he drove through the suburbs. 

"Umm... So, honey, how was your day? All good?" Timothy asked, in an unsure tone. 

"Yeah, I guess so..." Matt replied slowly, making Timothy hold his breath. "Some stuff pissed me off, though."

"Really?" the feminized guy gasped. "Like what?"

"Well, my phone stopped working yesterday. Can you believe that? I bought that crap just a few months ago! That's why it took me so long to text you today."

"Oh, gosh, that's totally awful" Timothy sighed. "But other than that, all went well?"

"Kind of... I mean, there was some weird stuff going on at school, as well, but that's no big deal." 

"What happened?" 

"Some kind of prank, I guess. People were whispering when they saw me all over the day... I mean, I'm used to people whispering when I pass by, but it was different. I asked Zack if he knew what was going on, but he laughed and said it was something I needed to find out on my own. You remember Zack, right? From the party at his house?"


"Anyway, I bet he's the one behind all this. We're always pranking each other, you know? He will pay me for that, of course" Matt laughed. "But forget about it. Let's think about us, babe. Guess what? I'm taking you to that night club again, since you had so much fun there last time. What you think?"

"Umm... Actually, Matt, I don't feel like going to a night club tonight."

"Really?" Matt exclaimed, disappointed.

"Yeah, sorry. I just... umm... I would like to go somewhere quieter tonight... where we can talk without having to shout to each other." 

Matt's disappointed expression suddenly turned into a naughty smile. "I see what you mean. Somewhere quieter, huh? Looks like you want to go straight to the good stuff. That's my girl! You're in luck, babe, my parents are out of town again. We have the whole house to ourselves."

"W-what?" Timothy cried out, wide-eyed. "That's not what I..." before he could finish whatever he had to say, though, Matt took advantage of a red light to shut his girlfriend up with passionate kiss, wasting no time to grab and rub her huge boobs. 

Tiffany shuddered, frightened, thinking she couldn't remember seeing Matt so horny before... 




you're really building up the suspense


See she deserves better than some horned up jock who's brain is permanently below his waist

John Doe

The longer they are together the more Matt shows his true colors.


"phone stopped working" simple but i like it Matt misunderstanding will leave to an awkard situation

Nino Heđi

This just gets better. Do you plan to post pdf update?


I cant wait to know what will happen after discuss about her true self with Matt, its Martin time or she ends doing it with her boyfriend

Phil G

What are the odds that Richard disabled Tiff's phone, knowing she was about to tell Matt her secret. If I were a betting man I would put the ranch on it as part of the plot to punish her.


That's an important chapter hehe and the story is coming to an end... just ten more chapters to go, I believe...