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"Good morning, princess! How are you feeling today?" Richard asked, as his feminized son came down the stairs. "You had a busy day yesterday, didn't you?"

One of the few consolations Timothy had these days was the fact that all that mess was afflicting his father as much as it was distressing him, perhaps even more. Richard kept losing weight, and looked like a fraction of his former self. It was evident that he was barely being able to eat as he watched his only son transform into a jaw-dropping blonde day after day, right before his eyes. 

"Oh my gosh, totally busy , Daddy!" Timothy cried out dramatically, in the girliest voice possible, well aware of how much it would annoy his father. He then stepped into the living room with graceful steps on top of his 4-inch platform heels, his elbows close to his body and his pink bag hanging from his left arm, just like a model on a catwalk. He was wearing a hot pink cropped top that showed a lot of cleavage and a salmon mini skirt. "I guess you've already heard the news, then?" the feminized guy giggled, still talking in his fake excited tone. Since he felt completely powerless to recover his old life for now, he could at least have some relief at the expense of his father's misery. "I was chosen to be a cheerleader! Gosh, isn't it, like, the best thing ever?"

"Yes, I heard about that, sweetheart. I also heard that you signed up for a beauty contest, and are becoming something of an internet celebrity..." 

"I know, right? Gee, can you even believe that?" Timothy giggled again, trying to return Richard's penetrating gaze, although he was quickly starting to worry about the direction of the conversation. 

"Oh, I believe... Being honest, I think you should have discussed the idea of entering a beauty contest with us before making your decision, but what is done is done, right? However, you need to understand that your actions have consequences. Now everyone and their granny will know about your history. Tell me something... does your boyfriend know you were born and grew up as a boy?" Richard asked with a cruel smile, and Timothy gulped. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours that he hadn't yet thought about the fact that Matt didn't know that his girlfriend used to be a guy. He shivered as he thought about Matt's reaction... 

"I can see from your face that he still doesn't know" Richard continued, barely being able to hide his satisfaction for seeing such desperation in his son's eyes. "Susan mentioned you have a date with him tonight, don't you? I guess this will be the time for you to tell him the truth, whether you want to or not. Maybe he already knows it by now..."

"I think we can help her, Richard, honey" Susan said softly, touching her husband's arm. "I've suggested this to Tiffany before... She could invite Matthew to have dinner with us, and then, with our support..."

"No" Richard shouted, resolutely. "This is something between her and her man, and they need to work it out by themselves. I'm sure everything will be alright, though... You and Matt love each other so much, right, princess? Oh, another thing, the Cadet Academy Gala will take place in two weeks, and I won't accept excuses this year. I want to see you there."

In a small town like the one they lived in, whose only point of interest was the military base, the Cadet Academy Gala was the most awaited event of the year, and almost everyone did everything they could to get invited. Timothy had always been one of the exceptions, year after year refusing to attend the event, much to his father's chagrin.

"That will be my chance to officially introduce my dear daughter to society" Richard continued, smirking. "Tell your boyfriend he's invited, too. Who knows, maybe he will take the opportunity to propose to you and make you an honest woman... Now you would love that, wouldn't you?"


"Are you sure you are doing the right thing, Richard?" Susan asked her husband after Timothy had left for school. 

"What you mean?"

"Sending Tiffany to talk to Matthew alone... You know there's a chance she will get hurt, right? Matthew seems like a good boy, but still..."

"Stop calling him Tiffany when the freak is not around!" Richard shouted at his wife, flushing. "He's not, and will never be a woman! He's just a sissy, did you hear me? And if Matthew beat the crap out of him tonight, it'd be about time! Be glad that I am a good man. Otherwise, I would have already killed that ungrateful sissy with my own hands by now!"

Susan sighed, thinking that "coward" was a better word to describe her husband than "good", since he was expecting for someone else to do his dirty work. "Listen to me, Richard. You know there's no way back to what you are doing, right? Since you joined forces with that new friend of yours..."

"You're weak, Susan... so damn weak! I've already told you time and time again that I don't care if that stupid boy will be stuck as a repulsive thing forever. I know he hates it, and I just want to see him suffer for the rest of his fucking life. You, on the other hand, started to get attached to that thing, didn't you? Pretending the aberration is your daughter? That's why women cannot be trusted. All of you are too emotional. I won't deny that you helped me a little bit in the beginning, but now me and Gary are truly making progress. So just leave this to us, okay? You used to know your place, Susan... I think it's time for you to remember where you belong. I have been too benevolent to you."

"Very well. I'll let you big boys take care of the important matters" Susan said dryly, turning her back on the man.

"I don't remember saying you could go! We're not done yet" Richard yelled, making Susan stop. "You still need to explain why you bought me this damn shirt. This is not what I told you to do. Didn't you notice how thin this fabric is? It looks... wrong."

"That was the only model available for your new size, Richard. This is not my fault if you keep losing weight."

"No, this is that damn sissy's fault" Richard stated, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. "But I'll put my shit together as soon as I am done with him."

"Anyway, if you don't mind looking like a fool, you can wear one of your old shirts. That's your call, darling, but don't blame me when people make fun of you. Now if you don't mind, I need to do the dishes..." 




Richard look so skinny now


it was about time that Susan started "working" on Richard too


i have a feeling that Matt will not care if Tiffany was a boy but he had to fake disgust due to what his friends will think of him


Tim has to question which is worse: if Matt takes it badly he could get hurt, if he doesn’t, no more “I’m on my period” excuses. Hope Tim packs lube for tonight. 😜


"He's not, and will never be a woman! He's just a sissy..." those words sting and hit too close to home, probably for Susan as well.

Phil G

What will be matt's reaction or does he already know about Tiff? Can't wait to find out!

Nino Heđi

Oh my! I like where this is going. Can't wait to see tiff all glammed up for gala. Something in text is telling me that whatever tiffs father has in mind to get back at his son will happen on gala night at academy and it will very likely fail thanks to Susan. I'll be patient and wait to see what happens but i have a hunch. You know you're getting really good at this. Whatever happened to tiffs father to loose so much weight we will see in coming chapters but Susan must have slipped something in his meals.

Mika W

I hope Susan has a plan for that asshole. What kind of a father is he?


Ah, true, it's always a good idea to keep an eye on what Susan is doing hehe

Alex Smyth

I disagree. Matt definitely seems like the type who would be disgusted by the fact that his girlfriend used to be a guy. He seems like a pretty shallow guy.

Alex Smyth

Matt is a pretty shallow guy and seems like the type who would be disgusted finding out that his girlfriend used to be a guy. Also, I know Richard is a really horrible father, but Susan is definitely no saint. She's pretty toxic herself. Probably just as toxic as a mother as Richard is toxic as a father. Timothy/Tiffany would be better off without both of them. Poor Timothy/Tiffany.