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The next morning...

"Wake up, sweetheart. You need to get up now or you will be late for school, and you don't want to be late today, right? Remember you have your first training session as a cheerleader. Isn't it exciting?"

Timothy woke up slowly, feeling dizzy and confused, and barely processing his stepmother's words. The woman's voice seemed to be coming from far away, as if she were on the other side of a tunnel, even though she was standing right beside his bed. Susan had mentioned something about that being a special day, but Timothy had no idea what she was talking about. As far as the boy was aware, it would be a day like any other. He would just get up, take a quick shower, put on the first pair of jeans he could find, and go to school... Pretty ordinary stuff... Maybe, just maybe, he would finally build up the courage to ask Kate out...

He then wondered why he was so tired, and having such a hard time trying to open his eyes. Had he had a bad night's sleep? Now that he was thinking about it, he thought so. He had vague memories of a nightmare in which he was forced to live like a girl... not just any girl, though, but the girliest one in the world – almost like a living Barbie doll. As if that weren't enough, he had been chosen to join the cheerleader squad, and would participate in the most famous local beauty contest... Oh, and he had a boyfriend! 

Now that had been a crazy nightmare. Timothy couldn't wait to see Martin and tell him all this crap. They would certainly laugh their heads off... Martin... Timothy didn't know why, but he felt butterflies in his stomach when he thought of his friend. It was so weird... 

"Are you even listening to me, princess?" Susan insisted, opening the curtains. The sun bothered Timothy's eyes, even though they were still closed. "There is no time. You need to get up now."

"Okay, I got it..." Timothy moaned, astonished at how high his voice sounded. Oh my gosh, what is, like, going on here? He wondered, getting more and more confused. Wait... has Susan just called princess? Gosh, I totally think she did so! But why? Is she trying to be funny or something?

Timothy then scratched his eyes, and got surprised when one of his nails poked his face. "Ouch!" he squeaked, once again sounding extremely girly. Feeling distressed and scared, the boy finally opened his eyes. It took him some time to get used to the morning light; as his vision slowly came into focus, he looked at his own hand in horror. 

OMG, why do I have long pink nails?

And it wasn't all. Just like his nails, almost everything around him was pink, from the comforter over his body to the embroidered curtains and walls. He then tried to lift his upper body, and felt something very heavy in his chest. Looking down, he let out another squeak of awe. He somehow had big, perfect boobs, which looked incredibly tempting in the little lace pink nightie he was wearing. 

It was when Timothy's mind finally woke up, and he remembered everything. Living as a girly girl hadn't been just a nightmare... it was his life – real life – now, and he had indeed been chosen to join the cheerleader squad, had been signed up in a beauty contest, and had a boyfriend. All of that was true, however absurd and surreal it sounded.

That hadn't been the first time Timothy had forgotten about his current situation in the morning, but it had never happened so intensely before. For a few minutes, he was truly convinced that he was still just an ordinary guy, and that Tiffany had never existed, except in a strange nightmare. The shock he felt as he remembered the truth was such that he found himself sweating and breathing fast, his big boobs going up and down wildly.

"Oh, I see that the sleeping beauty has finally awakened" Susan teased her feminized stepson, smiling. "How are you feeling, doll? I didn't see you last night."

"I came straight to my room when I arrived, and I didn't see you on the way... Anyway, we need to talk about something important, Mom. I totally need your help! Like, really!"

"Of course, sweetie. You know I can do anything for my baby girl! Let me guess... you want me to prepare a nice bath for you, and then help you choose a pretty outfit for the day, right? I know today is a special day for you..."

"No, this is not it! Why do you keep saying that today is a special day, though? Wait... you mentioned something about the cheer squad before, didn't you? How do you know about that?"

"How else? Alyssa called me earlier asking me not to let you be late today because you have your first training as an official cheerleader. Oh, baby, I'm so proud of you! My dear daughter, a cheerleader... Isn't it like a dream coming true?"

"Can we discuss it later, please? I need your help about something else."

"Then it must be about the beauty contest, isn't?"

"Exactly! How you... Ah, nevermind! I bet Alyssa told you about it, as well."

"Yes, she did. And you know what, young lady? I'm not mad at you, but you definitely should have informed me before that you intended to take part in a contest like that."

"But that's what I'm trying to say, Mom! I didn't sign up in the contest. Someone is totally trying to set me up!"

"Oh, your friend warned me that this could happen, too..." 

"What you mean?"

"She told me that you were ashamed to admit that you signed up in the contest, and came up with the excuse that someone set you up."

"But this is not an excuse!" Timothy protested, frustrated. "You know me, Mom! You know that I'm pretending to be a girl just to mess with dad! Why would I want to participate in a beauty contest?"

"You're right, sweetie. I know you... I know you very well. So, when did this happen? When did you realize you truly wanted to be a girl?" 

"What?!! I can't believe you're saying something like that! Gosh, what's wrong with you, Mom?

"Let's face the facts, princess... Who would accept to undergo such an extreme transformation only to mess with a parent?"

"You know I never wanted any of this! The clothes, the hormones, these huge boobs..."

"That's what you keep saying, but Dr. Rowland assured me that you were ecstatic to learn that you were getting breast implants."

"B-but you know that I wasn't on my right mind that day, okay? I had a terrible allergic reaction, and was so dizzy that I couldn't think straight!"

"So you was unable to think straight exactly in a day like that? Very convenient, isn't it?" Susan smirked. "It was also you who begged me to treat you like a girl, wasn't it?"

"Y-yeah, but just because I was totally furious with dad that night! He had just thrown away all my stuff, even my guitar, remember? I... I just wanted revenge and..."

"Excuses and more excuses... But we both know the truth, don't we, sweetie? At some point, you figured out you desperately wanted to be a girl, but you still are afraid to admit so. That's the only plausible explanation. Then you keep saying that you are a victim, forced by the people and by the circumstances to live like Tiffany. It's easier that way, isn't it? It's not your fault that you are a girl if you were forced to become one... But this is going too far, sweetie. Now you're even making up imaginary people who sign you up in beauty contests. For your own sake, I'll stop indulging you in your fanciful narratives. No more charades! It's clear that you want to be Tiffany Rose Foster forever, so I will make sure that you complete your transition smoothly. This won't be difficult... there's not much of a male in you anymore. You should just say the truth, dolly. You'll feel so much better... And you know you'll have the unconditional support of many people around you, including me and your friends."

"Y-you... you're totally insane!" Timothy cried out, aghast. "You got everything wrong! I never wanted to be a female, and you can't force me to become one!"

"Again this 'forcing you' story?" Susan sighed. "What about your photo on Instagram, young lady? Who forced you to post that?"

"I-it wasn't me who posted that, okay?"

"Oh, really?" Susan raised her eyebrows. "Now are you going to tell me someone hacked your account just to make that post?"

"E-exactly!" Timothy claimed, aware that he was sounding less and less believable by the second. "Who took that picture of me in the salon, anyway? I can't remember it... I bet whoever did this is totally involved in the scheme!"

"Marlene, your hairdresser, took the picture, darling."

"See? Then she must be the one who..."

"But she took the picture with your own phone, don't you remember?" Susan interrupted him. "Ah, I see in your face that you do remember. It means that there's only one person who could have posted it... and this person is you! So stop making false accusations on innocent people, Missy. This is getting ridiculous now, and trust me, and you don't want me to be angry with you. If you were so unhappy about the post, why didn't you just delete it?"

"Do you think I didn't try it last night? My password was changed so I couldn't log in! I'll show you." 

Timothy then picked up his phone, determined to rub the truth in Susan's face. However, to his deep astonishment, he was able to log in with no problem this time around. It was so shocking that for a moment even Timothy himself doubted his version of the story. Was Susan right? Had he been the one who had posted the picture? Could it be that he truly wanted to be Tiffany for the rest of his life but was afraid to admit it, even to himself?

No, stop that, girl... I mean, man! He told himself, disturbed. You know this isn't true, okay? She's , like, just trying to mess with my mind!

He then noticed that the post, which last night had about two hundred likes, now had over fifteen hundred, and hundreds of comments. Many of them were hate comments, with people saying that Tiffany was an abomination and would never be a real woman, that it was an affront to the word of God, and so on... However, most of the comments, in a quick check, seemed to be supporting her.

"You're getting really popular, sweetie" Susan said, delighted. "I took a look at your post earlier today, and I saw that even the National Center for Transgender Equality liked it." 

"I... I don't know what's going on" Timothy said, feeling numb and lost. "Last night I couldn't log in, but now... Whatever! I'm gonna just delete the post right now!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you will" Susan said, taking the phone from Timothy and throwing it on the bed. "But first, let's get you ready for the day, shall we? We've already wasted too much time."


"Later, Tiffany. I'll prepare your bath now" Susan finished, in a tone that left no room for discussion, dragging her confused feminized stepson to the bathroom... 



Alex Smyth

Okay, Timothy/Tiffany can fix this easily. First, delete the Instagram post. Then, withdrawn from the Miss Charming competition, explaining to the competition people and the newspapers that he/she didn't really enter and that someone else entered his/her name in. I'm sure the competition people would be understanding, since it's likely this wouldn't be the first time someone entered a false entry and it would also be likely that someone would enter "Tiffany's" name in, just to mess with "her", troll "her", for being "trans". As for being an "inspiration" to trans people, Timothy/Tiffany should not feel obligated to be an inspiration to trans people if he/she feels uncomfortable with being in the competition. Also, even if he/she went through with competing to inspire trans people, trans people will not see him/her as an inspiration if they find out the real reason why he/she is "transitioning". If the truth about Timothy/Tiffany comes out, he/she will break the hearts and spirits of the trans people he/she supposedly was inspiring. Definitely not worth the risk. So it would be logical and in Timothy's/Tiffany's best interest to withdraw from the competition.

Alex Smyth

Also, Timothy regularly wakes up completely forgetting he's stuck as a girl? It sounds like he is now really feeling like a man trapped in a woman's body. Poor Timothy. Hopefully, he can stop Susan's plans for him and detransition.

Phil G

Could not disagree more with Alex Smith on every point.

John Doe

Just saying she’s too far gone at this point to go back and if she truly wanted to in the first place it would have been a solid no ages ago but seeing how we are on still going with this story i think deep down inside he had a curiosity brewing that never got examined due to his father and now his stepmother has come in and gave him the feminine guide he needed to find himself but the brainwashing that has actually happened was his father making feel as if this was all wrong to begin with as this is what always happens with parenting gone wrong

Alex Smyth

I disagree. There is no such thing as "too far gone" when transitioning. That's the purpose of de transitioning. Sometimes, somebody transitioning will change their mind about transitioning, because they aren't happy, for one reason or another, with their transitioning. Also, whether Timothy/Tiffany is trans or not, either way, the step mother is not a good person. A good person doesn't drug somebody and force them to get surgery they didn't want. In fact, a good person doesn't drug somebody period. And if she really cared about helping Timothy/Tiffany find his/her inner woman, she would let him/her decide what kind of woman he/she would want to be, instead of forcing him/her into the role of bimbo trophy girlfriend/wife type. As far as I'm concerned, both the parents are awful. The father oozes gross disgusting toxic masculinity and the step mother is manipulative, cruel and only cares about making Timothy/Tiffany into the type of girl she wants and not the type of girl Timothy/Tiffany would actually want to be, if Timothy/Tiffany is actually trans.


Susan, Alyssa and the other girls won't let Ti-Ti quit either the Contest or deleting the post or quitting the Cheerleaders whoever is behind the scheme, is doing an amazing job in making Timothy stuck more and more as Tiffany


someone is obviously trying to screw Tiffany's life the transition is Susan doing but the Cheerleader Squad, the Contest and the post for me are Gary's doing


if i remember correctly the Cheerleaders Squad Captain is Gary's Daughter ?


Disagreement is okay! But I understand Alex. Sometimes I feel sorry for the protagonist when I read forced fem fiction, as well, especially if I can sympathize with the character... hehe