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"Ah, I have something here I think you'll like" Martin said, when they entered the guy's room. It looked exactly as Timothy remembered, with a simple bed in a corner, an old couch, a TV and a video game, and clothes and comics scattered everywhere. "Do you remember Becky, my cousin, right?" 

"Yes" Timothy answered. Becky was about two years older than them, and Timothy had had a crush on her when he was younger, even knowing he didn't stand a chance with her. Becky was a nice girl, who even played with them sometimes, but not only was she older, but also too hot to pay attention to a skinny guy like Timothy, or at least he believed so. 

"When she was here for Christmas, she left some stuff behind. She said she no longer have time to play now that she's in college. Take a look" martin finished, casually throwing something for Timothy to grab. Taken by surprise, Timothy squeaked, and almost dropped the object on the floor. "I'm sorry, Tiff! I forgot you've never been good at catching things… You okay?"

"I'm fine. But for your fault I almost broke a nail! Timothy protested, pouting. "Now what's this? A pink controller? Why did you think I'd like a pink controller?"

"You kidding me, right? You're wearing a pink top… your makeup is pink… your nails, including the one you almost broke, are pink... I've never seen you without at least one piece of pink clothing since you... umm... came out as trans... It's clear that you love pink! That controller will give you good luck, and I bet Becky won't mind you playing with it. She also left some of her games, but most of them are dance ones, so I didn't play them… Anyway, I told her about you coming out and she was so happy... She said you definitely would make a very beautiful girl since you always had… umm… how did she put it? Such a girly complexion or something like that…"

"You did what?!" Timothy asked, looking so angry that Martin – despite being much taller and stronger than his friend – took two steps back. 

"I... I'm sorry" Martin said, shrugging. "I didn't know it was a secret. I mean, you're even attending school as a girl and all..."

"Fine, Martin" Timothy sighed, frustrated. It wasn't pleasant to hear that yet another girl he had a crush on always thought he had a 'girly complexion'. That was another blow to his almost nonexistent male ego. "Gosh, let's just play some game, okay? Then I can finally kick your butt!"

"You the boss… So, which game do you want to start with?"



Mika W

She definitly is no longer a skinny guy. So maybe Becky is into that? :-P


usually this types of situations end up with the boy and girl kissing maybe Martin will make a move to Tiffany and kiss her but Tiffany will fly away not only because her best friend for years kissed her but also because her conditioned mind set make her think to be a Slut since 3 days ago she became Matthew steady Girlfriend that will make her even more confused and unable to think properly, her conditioned mind end up making her act even more like an airheaded falling even deeper in the Girly Girl persona Susan-Alyssa-Chloe-Gabriella are turning her into


i have the feeling that if Kate didn't told Alyssa to make Tiffany one of them, Tiffany would had still become a girly girl duo to Susan, but not an airheaded one like she is now