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On the way home in the car, Tiffany couldn't stop looking at her right hand, as if she were mesmerized by the new ring on one of her delicate and manicured fingers. She had said yes… she had said yes, and now she was officially Matthew's girlfriend. The fancy promise ring, with its solitaire diamond shining dazzlingly even in the gloom, was the proof of that. And the question that kept tormenting her was… Why had she accepted that? 

The obvious answer was that it was the only way to keep punishing her father. Despite all his pretense, Tiffany was sure that Richard would suffer immensely to learn that his so-called son now had a boyfriend. But she was aware it wasn't just that… As soon as she laid eyes on the ring, on the nightclub terrace, she knew she genuinely wanted it. At that point, she even felt like she was a real girl, and truly believed that being Matt's girlfriend would be the best thing in the world. 

But why? She never before had considered the idea of having a boyfriend as a good thing. What had changed inside her? She didn't know for sure, but it was clear that such an event had had a big impact on her. Even now, she still found it impossible to think of herself as a guy – a real guy would never have put himself in such a situation, accepting to be another guy's girlfriend, after all. Maybe that was it... Maybe she truly was meant to be a girl, as everyone kept saying all the time…

"A penny for your thoughts, babe" Matthew said, smiling, his right hand stroking Tiffany's legs. "Are you okay?"

"Umm? Yeah, I'm totally fine, Matt" Tiffany lied, trying her best to return the smile. "It's just... well... I'm trying to absorb everything that's, like, going on… I… I never had a boyfriend before, you know… It's all new to me." 

"You don't have to put so much pressure on yourself, Tiff. All I want is to make you happy. You know that, right? That's why I asked you to be my girlfriend. Are you happy now?"

"Or course!" Tiffany lied again. At that moment, she was much more confused than happy.

"That's the important thing, babe. Just relax, okay? And by the way, I'm very happy as well... I feel like the luckiest guy in the world for being your boyfriend" he finished, rubbing Tiffany's smooth thighs even more intensely, which made her suddenly bite her bottom lip. 

Gosh, I can't believe I'm getting aroused again… This is no time for that, Tiffany!

However, as Matthew kept massaging her legs, the girl had a hard time focusing on anything. She even stopped paying attention to the path they were taking, so excited she was getting. When Matt parked the car, though, about fifteen minutes later, she finally noticed that something wasn't right. 

"This isn't my house, Matt. Where we are?" she asked, afraid, realizing she had never been on that street before.

Instead of answering the question, Matthew kissed the girl with such voracity that the car even shook. Taken completely by surprise, and already feeling dangerously aroused, Tiffany had no chance to stop the guy. She kissed him back with equal urgency, and for many minutes they stayed there, kissing and feeling each other's bodies. 

When Matt finally broke the kiss, Tiffany was flushed and out of breath, with her big breasts rising and falling rapidly. "This is my house, Tiff..." Matt started explaining, as he kissed her neck. "And my folks are out this weekend. You know what that means, right? We have the whole house to ourselves…"

"Matt!" Tiffany gasped, open-mouthed. "We can't! I mean, I have to go home or else Dad's gonna..."

"It's not even eleven yet, honey… Your father said he wouldn't mind if you got home after midnight today, remember?" 


"C'mon, Tiff…" Matthew continued, still kissing Tiffany's neck, and starting to rub her boobs. "We are a couple now… An official couple… Don't you trust me? As I said, all I want is to make you happy, babe… I would never hurt you… And God, you're so beautiful... so hot... You have no idea how much you turn me on, babe… No idea at all…"

It was the first time Matt was rubbing Tiffany's boobs after her surgery, and the girl couldn't believe how fantastic it felt… It was way beyond anything she had ever experienced before, and the wave of pleasure that spread throughout her body was so powerful that it made her squirm and moan wildly, completely dumbfounded at how sensitive her enhanced nipples were. 

Oh my gosh... I thought I'd never ever think something like that, but I love my boobs… I totally should thank the doctors on my knees when I see them again... tee-hee… No, wait, Tiffany! I need… I need to control myself…I…Gee, I'm sooo horny… Matt is my boyfriend… my boyfriend… He just wants to, like, make me happy…And gosh, he definitely knows how to do that… tee-hee… I feel… I feel like a female… a real female… B-but I can't! T-there's something important I'm missing… totally important… Geez, why my boobs had to be so damn sensitive! I can't think straight… just can't…He's my boyfriend… He loves me… my boyfriend… Maybe… who knows… maybe I love him too…All I know is that I don't want him to stop rubbing my boobs… Gosh, I totally want him to keep doing that forever…   

"So, what you say, Tiff?" Matt asked again, putting his thumb between Tiffany's lips, and the girl started sucking on it without even realizing she was doing so.

"I say…" she started saying, and her voice cracked in a sensual, hoarse moan. "You have, like, no idea how much you turn me on either, honey… Take me inside the house…" 


Hey, guys! 

Wow, this story already has more than 100,000 words! I didn't think it would be so big in the beggining hehe. Anyway, you guys don't need to worry because there will be no breaks this time. I'll keep publishing new chapters until the story is finished. I think it'll take more 30,000 or 40,000 thousand words. We'll see...

Also, I have to say a love this image! It's hard for me to like the images I create... I always think that some detail could be better... But I'm really proud of this one! :-D



Mika W

Tiff definitly should practice the sucking if she doesn't want to come out to Matt yet. :-)

Mika W

It is an awesome Picture and an awesome Story. You always get the border between hot and realisitic and emotions so right. Your pacing is just right to really get to know your charecters and they are worth knowing. And just for good measure. :-) I can't wait till Kate enters this Relationship Turmoil. :-) (I will stop those comments, if you can't read them anymore)


Good job

Alex Smyth

"Maybe that was it... Maybe she truly was meant to be a girl, as everyone kept saying all the time…" No, that's the brainwashing talking. The brainwashing brought on by Timothy's evil step-mother's manipulation. So awful. It's going to take so much therapy to reverse all this brainwashing. Probably years of therapy. I hope Timothy or somebody figures out Susan's evil plan and stops her. The sooner somebody stops Susan's evil scheme, the sooner Timothy can work on reversing the damage to his body and psyche. That having been said though, it's possible that the changes to Timothy's/Tiffany's body may not be able to be reversed. I'm no expert on how hormone replacement therapy works, but I do wonder, with all the powerful doses of female hormones the doctors (and Susan, that bitch) have been putting in Timothy/Tiffany, if it it'll be hard, if not impossible to reverse the changes that have happen to Timothy's/Tiffany's body. If he/she can't transition back into being a guy, then Timothy/Tiffany should at least fix himself/herself mentally and stop being a pink loving, air-headed, girly girl bimbo and be like who she used to be as Timothy, a thoughtful musician, just as a girl. Also, get rid of the name "Tiffany". Sounds like a girly girl bimbo name. Go with something like "Tina" or "Thea" or "Tara". And also, I hope Timothy/Tiffany doesn't end up with either Matthew or Martin. They both suck. Matt is so shallow, thinking that the way to woman's heart is just to buy her pretty things and take her to pretty places. So materialistic. I mean, who buys a ring to propose to become boyfriend and girlfriend. Then there's Martin. He says he's Timothy's/Tiffany's friend, but when he/she tried to explain the truth about why he/she is dressing as a girl, Martin gets an attitude and yells at Timothy/Tiffany and only is nice to Timothy/Tiffany when he/she admits that he/she wants to be a girl, even though Timothy/Tiffany really doesn't and is only doing this to get back at his/her Dad. Martin basically bullied Timothy/Tiffany into admitting that. I wonder if Martin is some passive aggressive bastard, because he seems like it. So not only is Susan manipulating Timothy/Tiffany into brainwashing himself/herself, but Matthew and Martin are manipulating Timothy/Tiffany too. And also Alyssa and her friends are manipulating Timothy/Tiffany as well. The only real friend Timothy/Tiffany has is Kate. She may not have really believed Timothy/Tiffany when he/she told Kate the truth and is only pretending to believe her, but at least she reacted kindly when Timothy/Tiffany told her and not reacted like a jerk, the way Martin did. Kate seems like nice, good, kind person. It makes sense that she doesn't hang out much with Alyssa anymore. Kate probably doesn't really want to hang around a bunch of shallow air-headed bimbos. I don't know if Timothy/Tiffany will be able to transition back to being a boy or be stuck as a girl (hopefully not a vapid air-headed bimbo girly girl and hopefully a bright musician girl), but either way, I hope Timothy/Tiffany ends up with Kate as his/her girlfriend.


ahhh don't worry, my friend! Your comments are fun hahaha and I think you maybe will be happy soon... or maybe not... we'll see... hahaha


Wow thanks for the detailed review, Blake! :-) But don't get so mad... It's just a silly forced feminization story and would never happen in real life. At the same time, I'm glad for your reaction because I think it shows that people care about my characters, at least Timothy/Tiffany in this case :-) But anyway, stay calm because my stories usually have happy endings :-)

Alex Smyth

You're welcome for the review. Sorry for being so upset. I just feel so bad for Timothy/Tiffany and hate what's happening to him/her. I know it's just a story, these people aren't real and that this wouldn't happen in real life, but I'm still going to get invested in the story and characters, if it's a story I like. When I read forced feminization stories, I usually root for the character being forcibly feminized to stop the person forcibly feminizing him, stop what is happening to him and reverse the changes. Or at least make the best of the changes that have happen to him (like if Tiffany is stuck as a girl, then at least be a girl similar to how she was when she was Timothy). I usually don't root for the forced feminization. I root for the defeat of the forced feminization and the defeat of the person doing the forced feminization. I do hope that this story will be a happy ending. :)


i have the same feeling about forced feminization about Timothy/Tiffany ending with Kate i don't think they will end together as Girlfriends but i think that something may happen that make Kate question what is going on with Timothy/Tiffany and make her realize that the first time she saw Timothy/Tiffany at the Mall when he/she told her that he/she was doing all this to upset his/her Father was the truth