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While Timothy was thinking about all this, Gabriella kept applying sunscreen on his back, and soon enough her hands reached Timothy's Butt and thighs. 

"Hey!" the feminized boy protested, surprised. "What are you..."

"Relax, Ti-Ti! That pretty butt of yours is barely covered. It needs sunscreen, as well."

"This is not my fault if I'm wearing a totally obscene swimsuit" Timothy stated, glaring at Alyssa who paid no attention to him since she was absorbed in a conversation with Chloe about her newest crush. 

"As if you didn't like showing your body off…" Gabriella teased the feminized boy, giggling. "This is so unfair, though... How can you have such a sexy butt? Are you sure you haven't had any work done on your butt too during your stay at the clinic?"

"You know I haven't." 

"Yeah, I know... But more than ever this seems crystal clear you were always meant to be a girl. I mean, it would be such a waste to hide such a fabulous butt wearing ugly men's pants. You know what, Ti-Ti? If I were into girls, I'd totally hit on you!" she finished, giggling again, and playfully slapping Timothy on the butt, which made the feminized boy squeak.

"Thanks, I guess, Ella..." Timothy replied, grumpy. It wasn't the first time he was bothered by the obvious fact that he was much more attractive as a girl than as a guy, especially now with his tempting big boobs. He had heard people saying he was meant to be a girl so many times already that this idea seemed to be completely destroying his already deeply damaged male ego. 

Would he be able to see himself as a man when he had the chance to return to his old life? Or would he feel ridiculous going out wearing men's clothes, like he were a girl dressed in her boyfriend's clothes? Would he feel bothered, as if he were forgetting something important, for not putting makeup on his face in the morning? Or for not brushing his hair a hundred times and putting countless creams on his face before going to bed?

Stop it, Tiff! He told himself, firmly. You're getting anxious again, so stop it, like, right now! Of course I'll be able to behave and feel like a guy again. Actually, I feel like a guy right now…right? He wondered, trying to turn his body slightly so that his boobs wouldn't be so annoyingly pressed against the beach chair. Just relax, Tiff...

He tried to focus on the good feelings he was experiencing thanks to the massage, but something felt off. Umm... I guess Ella's hands are too small…I'm used to much bigger and stronger hands rubbing my butt and thighs. 

Such a thought had barely crossed his mind and Timothy was already starting to freak out again. W-What the heck is wrong with me? Just a second ago I was all about how much of a guy I am, and now I'm missing the feeling of Matt stroking my body? This... This is so wrong! I'm not into guys! He stated to put an end the matter, but had a hard time trying to explain to himself why his nipples were getting hard as he remembered one of his making out sessions with Matt, and the way the other guy kissed him deeply and rubbed his whole body with passion.

"Are… are you done, Ella?"

"Yea, Ti-Ti, all done! That little sexy body of yours is protected now." 

"Good! 'Cos I totally feel like swimming a little bit." 

Timothy then moved away towards the pool as if in doing so he could also leave behind his disturbing thoughts. The water felt refreshing to his hot skin, and he was able to relax for a moment – despite the fact that he felt awkward swimming with his new assets and tiny swimsuit. 

He tried to focus on his movements… left arm... right arm... left arm... right arm... but there was a word he couldn't get out of his head…


Timothy hadn't seen Matt since his surgery. It had been the perfect excuse for not meeting the guy for a while since the feminized boy needed time to rest in order to recover from the procedure. Matt had obviously said many times he would like to visit Tiffany at her home, but the girl begged him not to go, saying she wouldn't bear Matt to see her all messed up and untidy. Timothy even went far enough to say that he would reward Matt for his patience, looking especially pretty for him on their next date. 

However, he had said such a thing just to avoid Matt for a few days… He didn't like going out with Matt, after all… He dated the boy just to torment his father… But if all that were really true, why did he keep thinking about the other guy? Why did he get chills every time he remembered how Matt kissed him?

Could it be that Timothy… maybe… just maybe… was starting to have feeling for Matt? As a boyfriend? 

No, of course not! Timothy thought, furious. Gosh, I'm just confused… I totally am! Matt was, like, the first person who ever kissed me… the only person who ever kissed me! That's why I'm so confused… I just need to start kissing girls and I'll be fine! Maybe I even like Matt, but as a friend. We have seen each other so often, after all… And he's such a lovely guy... no, not lovely! He's… how I used to say? A cool guy… yeah, that's it! He's just a cool guy!  

However, it was difficult to believe in such a theory considering what Matt and Timothy usually did when they were together. Two supposedly straight male friends would hardly kiss each other so passionately as if they lives depended on it every two minutes. Moreover, being with Matt was far different from spending time with Martin, who actually was Timothy's friend…

Yeah... I don't feel my legs shaking when Martin approaches me or looks me in the eye… Though I have to admit that I feel, like, sooo safe and protected when Martin hugs me with his big arms… Hmmm… It feels sooo good and all… Wait, what? No, that's not the point here, Tiff! Focus, girl! Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! I totally keep sounding like boy-crazy-ditzy-girl that people tease me for supposedly being…    



Erica Rost

It's very a sexy girl now !!!


Just wow, your renders are always the best. I also like the inner dialog where he has actually been referring to himself as tiff and girl with out realising yet


Hope youre staying healthy.

Mika W

She should test how she feels about kissing Girls. Just to know. :-)


What program do you use?


she may lust after Matt but I still think she loves Martin