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"You!" Timothy shouted at his stepmother, gritting his teeth. "Look what you did to me!" he pointed to his chest full of bandages, realizing more clearly than ever how heavy his new assets were.

"What are you talking about, young lady?" Susan asked, sounding as angry as the feminized boy. "I didn't do anything!"

"Oh, really? Then would you mind to explain why the fuck I have boobs now, dear Mommy?"  

Upon hearing that, Susan looked so furious that for a moment the boy thought she was going to slap him. Instead of that, she answered him in a cold, sharp voice, "You have breast now because you asked for it, sweet doll." 

"W-what?!" Timothy cried out, outraged, and was about to say that Susan had lost her mind when he remembered something... that vague and confused scene in which Dr. Rowland was saying that another doctor was going to give Timothy breasts, and the boy was ecstatic about it. But that had just been a nightmare... right? The poor boy wasn't so sure, and he felt a growing anxiety as he concluded that maybe... just maybe… that really had happened.

Susan, who had been silent while Timothy was facing such a furious internal debate, suddenly smirked confidently and slyly. "You remember, don't you? You know I'm telling the truth."

"B-but even if I did such a thing…" Timothy stammered, swallowing hard. "It was, like, just because I wasn't in my right mind! Gosh, you totally know that I wasn't okay… I can barely remember anything that happened after breakfast this morning! So even if I truly agreed to get a boob job, you should have helped me out, telling Dr. Rowland it wasn't the right thing to do! You know very well I came here just to get rid of this damn hormonal implant… You know I don't like being a girl... How could you possibly believe that I suddenly wanted to have boobs, huh?" 

"Let me see... Maybe you don't hate being a female as much as you keep saying… For someone who supposedly detests living as a girly girl, you're playing the part wonderfully, aren't you? Or maybe..." Susan continued, before Timothy could protest. "…you realized that getting breast implants was the only way to keep tormenting your father now that you no longer can wear your breast forms. In any case, you sounded genuinely happy about the procedure."

"Oh my gosh, the last thing I'm worried about right now is tormenting my father! Don't you see how bad it is, how serious things are, Susan? We're no longer talking about tying my hair in a high ponytail or painting my nails... Geez, I have boobs... like, real boobs!" the feminized boy cried out, and the more agitated he got, the more his breasts bounced and jiggled, as if to emphasize his speech. 

"Take a deep breath, Tiffany. You're freaking out. Breast augmentation surgery isn't an irreversible procedure, you know..."

"Then I want these damn implants out of body right now, did you hear me? Now!"

"Don't be so petulant, young lady!" Susan took two steps forward, and once again looked threatening. "You have to start dealing with the consequences of your actions! It was you said you wanted to live and be treated like a girl… It was you who decided to start attending school as Tiffany Rose Foster, a transgender student! It was you who begged me to push you harder if I ever realized you were about to chicken out… So guess what? That's exactly what I am doing, cutie pie! It's too late for you to say that the last thing you're worried about is tormenting your father. You already made it clear – not long ago – that this is the most important thing for you. 

"Oh, and before I forget" Susan continued, now with a triumphant expression. "It was also you who squeaked and giggled, barely controlling your thrill, when you were about to get breast implants. You even asked for bigger ones, don't you remember? But the doctor said it wouldn't be advisable since you are taking hormones and your body will keep developing over time. So stop that nonsense of waiting to get rid of your implants. This is not even possible, not right now at least... I did some research on the topic while you were having your beauty sleep and I learned a few things… For Instance, the procedure cannot be undone during six weeks after the surgery. It would be too risky." 

"Six weeks?!" Timothy cried out, horrified.  

"Six weeks, at the very least." 

"But I... I..." before Timothy could finish, he suddenly felt a strong dizziness – the sedative the nurse had given him was finally kicking in, and he was having a hard time speaking and keeping his eyes open.

"Oh, I see you're getting sleepy again" Susan commented, sounding kind and gentle again. "You definitely need some rest, sweetie. This will be good for you. Later, we'll have a little talk about you calling me Susan and saying bad words. I made it clear when I agreed to help you that I wouldn't tolerate such things. But I understand that you are nervous and confused, aren't you? Poor little girl… Try to relax, darling... Everything will be okay. I have a feeling you'll love having breasts… Just wait and see how stunning you'll look in some low-cut dress… Your boyfriend won't be able to take his eyes off you, and I know how much you love looking beautiful for him. Sweet dreams, princess…"   



Verónica Jerez

Oh sweet Tiffany. She will accept all the results of being a girl

Erik N

Like the update, but I think text is so short lol =P

Kitty St. Clare

I also can't wait to see Tiff in a low-cut dress.

Alex Smyth

Ugh, I know I keep saying this, but I really hate Susan. Maybe now Timothy will start doing something to stop Susan's plans for him and get himself back to his normal guy self.


i like that Susan is taking advange of Tiff quote to justify her actions while conditioning Tiff into believe that "he" is starting to love being a Girly-Girl


i like more conditioning of the mind, rather than just brainwash because conditioning is like "Self-Brainwash", Susan is placing Tiffany into positions that make her choose options that will turn herself and her entire life into that of an Airheaded Boys-Crazy Girly-Girl