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"I... umm... well..." Timothy started, not knowing what to say next. He knew he needed Dr. Rowland to believe he was a trans girl in order to keep attending school as a female. However, at this point, Timothy was no longer sure if this was a worthwhile effort. Things were getting pretty serious, after all. His body was changing so drastically and quickly that he feared that such changes might not be completely reversible if he waited too long. Was it worth going through all this just to torment his father? 

It was true that Timothy's feminization was finally hitting his father hard – Richard was languishing right before everyone's eyes. Over the last few weeks, the man had lost a lot of weight; so much that his clothes were getting loose; his hair, that in the past had always looked strictly trimmed and neatly combed, was now often tousled and disheveled; and instead of being overly aggressive and combative, the man was now behaving grumpy and moody, mumbling around all the time. 

It had started after Timothy's first date with Matt, which made the feminized boy more than happy to accept going out with Matt again, just to see his father suffering whenever Matt appeared to pick him up. They had already gone out together three more times after the first date, and Richard's despair seemed to increase on each of those occasions. 

|However, such amusement always came at a price, of course, as Timothy knew very well. Matt always kissed the feminized boy during the dates, something Timothy kept telling himself he hated with all his heart. Sometimes, though, it was hard for the poor boy to believe in his own words since he usually got so excited when Matt kissed him and rubbed his delicate body. 

Kate, Alyssa and other girls were getting more and more excited about Tiff and Matt, saying they could hardly wait for them to become a thing. Matt himself had already given some hints that he wanted Tiffany to be officially his girlfriend, but Timothy always changed the subject quickly when the other guy started talking about it. 

Martin, who had started hanging out with Timothy again, always avoided mentioning Matthew when they were chatting, which was a big relief for the feminized boy. And apart from some awkward moments, when Martin didn't exactly know how to treat his best friend now that he was he was a girl, the two of them were getting along pretty well, just like the old days…

It all crossed Timothy's mind as he kept facing Dr. Rowland's inquisitive eyes. What was he going to say? Was he ready to admit defeat to his father and ask to live as a boy again? What would be the consequences he would have to face? 

However, before he could reach a decision, his stepmother answered the doctor for him, "Of course Tiff is happy about her increasingly feminine body and growing breasts" Susan stated, her hands on Timothy's shoulders. "Being a girl is what she wants most in the world. That's why she was so devastated to learn that she won't be able to wear her breast forms for at least a week. The forms really helped her feel more confident as a female. You know how young ladies are self conscious about their bodies, especially their breasts. This is even worse in Tiff's case, since she was forced to pretend to be a boy for so long. Also, Dr. Rowland, she has been feeling very distressed because of the hormonal implant's side effects, as she pointed out. All of this is being very difficult for her."   

Timothy felt his heart racing upon hearing that, believing that Susan had finally decided to help him. The woman had indeed promised over and over again that she would find a way to get Dr. Rowland to remove the hormonal implant from his body, and now it seemed like she was definitely working on it, although Timothy still couldn't quite understand her plan. 

He was overjoyed. Without the implant changing his body, he thought he wouldn't mind to live as a girl for some more time, being able to keep taking revenge on his father without the risk of permanently damaging his body…

"Isn't that all true, Tiff, honey?" his stepmother asked him. 

"Absolutely, Mommy!" Timothy answered promptly.

"Isn't the hormonal implant bothering you?" 


"But you're happy with how the hormones are changing your body, aren't you?"


"And you're going to miss your breast forms immensely, right?" 

"Of course!" Timothy cried out, not sure why Susan was stressing that point so much. His head was hurting so much and he was so dizzy that it was hard to think straight. All he wanted to do was to get rid of that damn implant. "I mean.... without the forms I am, like, almost flat-chested, right?" then, feeling he was expected to say something more, he added, "I wish I had bigger breasts right now… C-cups, at least…" he finished, pouting. 

"That's okay, sweetie. You'll get there eventually. I promise you" Susan told him, kissing the top of his head. "Now, would you mind waiting for Mommy outside for a minute? I'd like to discuss something with Dr. Rowland in particular..."  


Three days later, Timothy still had the implant inside his body, but he had faith that it would change that afternoon, when he would have a new appointment with Dr. Rowland. "Is she going to get this out of me today, Mom?" he asked, after sipping his green juice, and making a face because of the horrible taste of it. 

"What are you talking about, sweetie?"

"Gosh, what else, Mom?" Timothy asked, exasperated. "The implant! Is Dr. Rowland going to remove it from my body today?"

"I told you already, doll..." Susan sighed, tired. They had already discussed the issue several times during the past three days. "I did my best to convince her that the hormonal implant isn't the right treatment for you, and I believe I was able to convince her." 

"Good! Thanks, Mom! Now she has, like, no choice, right? I mean, she can't force me to..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, dear... Now finish your juice" Susan said, making Timothy drink the juice so quickly that he almost choked.

The rest of the morning passed uneventfully. Timothy remained lying on his bed, texting with his besties most of the time. By lunchtime, though, he was strangely feeling even more sleepy and dizzy – so much that he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. 

"Oh, poor baby girl!" Susan said, seeing her stepson's condition. "It looks like you need some more sleep. Do you want me to call Dr. Rowland and say that we can't see her today?" 

"No, Mom! Don't even think about doing that! Just help me get dressed, okay? I'll be fine!"

The next hour passed in a blur. Timothy slept most of the way to the clinic, and when he was awake, he was in such a lethargic state that he could barely register what was going on around him. 

At some point, he had a nightmare in which Dr. Rowland was saying that another doctor was going to perform a breast augmentation surgery on him, and Timothy was thrilled about it, saying with a silly smile on his face that having breasts had always been his biggest dream. 

The poor boy woke up frightened. He was panting in a cold sweat, so much that the hospital gown he was wearing was glued to his body. It was just a nightmare... just a nightmare… He told himself, trying to calm down. 

When his breathing was finally returning to normal, he started wondering about something weird… Why the hell was he wearing a hospital gown? Looking around, he saw that he was in one of the clinic rooms. In addition to the bed he was on, he could see some chairs, a small table with a flower pot and some medical equipment. Timothy couldn't remember getting there either. When the boy tried to concentrate to understand what was going on, his head hurt so much that he let out a moan. 

He started to get nervous again, but the worst was yet to come… Looking down his own body, he noticed something very, very wrong… His scream then was so loud and high-pitched that it was hard to believe that anyone inside the building hadn't heard him… 




Very well done

shpee wang

Implants? Looking forward to the next update :)


Looks like mind control, i didn't see that coming.


I think more like conditioning, she's been saying similar things and her stepmother probably said it and she just repeated it to the doctor.


breast implants or orchiectomy, or maybe both. that's my guess


The green juice has something in it for sure.


Looking forward to the coming updates!! Hopefully the docs shortened her achilles tendons too! She was meant to be in heels 4 inches or higher forever!

Alex Smyth

I'm really hating this stepmom. She drugged her stepson and tricked him into having a surgery that he didn't want. She is just an cruel awful person. I feel so bad for Timothy. I hope he finds a way to stop his stepmom's evil plan, stop his Dad from sending him to military school, repair his friendship with Martin, and start a relationship with Kate.

Tiffany Blanchet

I am loving her look! Btw, is there any way to read this series from the beginning without scrolling nonstop?


Thanks, Tiffany! You can read the story starting from chapter 1 here: https://www.patreon.com/melissan/posts?filters[tag]=Tug%20of%20War&sort=published_at


Is Richard getting feminized?

Erik N

Personally I hope Richard will stay the same. Why break up the family lol?