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"Oh, Matt, this place is, like, so... beautiful!"

It was true – the place almost looked like a forest or a park from a fairy tale, with a wide variety of trees and flowers, a dirt track that led to a small bridge over a lake, and a granite gazebo with flower arrangements on its pillars. The starry night and wonderful aroma in the air helped to make the scenery even more magical, so much that for a brief moment the feminized boy even forgot the tough situation he was in... 

That was the kind of place he would love to go carrying his guitar and play some nice song… It would be even better if someone like Kate was with him...

"I told you, didn't I?" Matthew asked, clearly proud of himself. He could see how Tiffany's eyes lit up with pure delight when she saw how beautiful the landscape around her was.

Upon hearing Matthew's voice, reality soon hit Timothy hard again, and he woke up from his reverie. None of what he had daydreamed sounded feasible at that point of his life. His father had gotten rid of his guitar, and, in any case, he knew it would be simply impossible for him to play anything with those long nails. About Kate, Timothy regretfully remembered how excited she was to learn that he that he had been asked out by another boy. It seemed perfectly clear that she saw Timothy as nothing more than one of her girlfriends. She, along with the other girls and Susan, had basically forced Timothy to go out on that date with Matt, after all. 

Matt... Timothy started to hyperventilate for the second time that night as he wondered what he was going to do about Matt now… He then said the first thing that came to his mind to buy some time. 

"You are, like, so right! I totally love this place!" he cried out, and then thought that if he really wanted to avoid Matt's advances, he perhaps should sound a little less excited. "But... umm... where exactly are we?" 

"Well, long story short, this forest used to be part of a property that was abandoned many years ago, and people who live nearby have been claiming that it should be transformed into a public park. No decision has been made yet, but a local committee has already been taking care of everything around here to put pressure on the issue. My mom is part of such committee, so I've known this place for a long time." 

"OMG... I had, like, no idea. Yeah, this place definitely should be turned into a park! Everything here is totally superb! Gosh, why didn't you tell me where you were bringing me before?" Timothy asked, pouting and crossing his arms, "When we entered that trail I was, like, so scared!"

"I'm sorry, babe" Matthew said, grabbing Timothy's hands. "The last thing I wanted was to scare you. But you see now? You can trust me, Tiff. I just wanted to surprise you. Tonight is our first date – the first of many, I hope – and I want this to be a special night. Come. Let me show you around."

They then started walking holding hands. While Matthew pointed to various plants and flowers, Timothy tried to find the right time to free his hand from the other boy's grip, but he was unable to do so, which once again made him feel completely powerless. Nothing had worked the way he had wished that night. His plan to avoid any physical contact with Matt couldn't have gone more wrong. And now here he was… on a romantic walk in the moonlight with another guy. It definitely couldn't end well…

As they approach the bridge, a slightly stronger breeze passed through them, shaking the leaves around. Matthew then took off his jacket. "Here, let me cover your shoulders" he offered. 

Timothy was surprised by that. Never before had anyone taken off their jackets or whatever to offer it to him, and he couldn't help it but felt a little… just a little… flattered. 

Geez, what was you, like, expecting, Tiff? He asked himself, as petulantly as if he were goofing around with one of his besties. It was incredible that even in his thoughts he was able to talk like a perfect spoiled girly girl – and even more incredible that he didn't even realize he was doing so

Why a guy would offer you his coat before? He continued thinking.  Nobody knew you were a girl and… Wait a minute… W-what? Oh my gosh! No, that's not what I mean! Nobody thought you… I mean… I was a girl! 'Cos I'm not a girl for real! I don't see myself as a girl at all! The last thing I want is to be a girl... right? Gee, Of course that's right! I'm a hundred percent a guy! He tried to convince himself, with a manicured finger between his red lips and the other hand on his hips.

The effect of all this confusion on his mind was that the poor boy's hands started sweating, something that he hated a lot. So gross! He thought, annoyed. He definitely didn't need a jacket now. 

"Thanks, Matt! That's very kind of you, but I'm okay." 

"Are you sure?" Matt asked, embracing Timothy's waist.

"Y-yeah. I already am feeling very hot... I m-mean... I'm just talking about the weather... you know that, right? I'm not trying to imply… What I am, like, trying to say is that it's warm tonight and... and..." 

Timothy once again cursed himself. Why couldn't he stop acting like an airhead when he was around guys? But the truth was that it just didn't matter. Matt was clearly no longer listening to what the feminized boy was saying. His eyes were fixed on Timothy's red lips, as if he were mesmerized. Then, just like he had done at the party, he lifted Timothy's face with a finger under his chin, and looked deep into Tiffany's eyes. 

"W-wait, Matt..." Timothy whispered, urgently. "I… I think…" but whatever he was thinking at that moment, he didn't get a chance to put it into words… 

…it's not easy to talk while being kissed on the lips, after all…



Erica Rost

A great love story from quipropro begins ... maybe?

Mika W

Well, i think we will find out if Tiff is bi or not. I still hope for a triangle with Kate. :-)