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Hey, guys!

Sorry for the delay. i was out of town for a few days, but now I am finally back! Hope you all had amazing Holidays! :-)


"Please, come in" Matthew said, opening the car door for Timothy. It was a good thing that the feminized boy already had so much experience with skirts. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to get in the car wearing such a short dress without showing off his panties. 

Timothy had never been that interested in cars, but even he could see how nice that one was. The car (a silver Ford Mustang with leather seats that looked brand new) in fact belonged to Matthew's father, and the man was very jealous of it. However, after much insistence, Matt had convinced his father to borrow the vehicle for a day in exchange for washing it every week for a whole year. Yes, it would be a lot of work, but Mathew thought it would be worth it – he really wanted to impress Tiffany.

"Ready to go?" he asked, now sitting in the driver's seat. 

"O-okay" Timothy replied, keeping his legs firmly together and nervously curling a lock of hair with a finger. 

"So... your father seems to be very strict, doesn't he?" Matthew asked, after starting the car, trying to break the ice. It was evident how nervous the girl was.

"Oh, you have, like, no idea how much..." Timothy lamented, with a long, deep sigh. "Gosh, he tries to control my life all the time. Did I tell you he's a Navy officer? He totally treats me as if I were one of his recruits. This is sooo unfair! Honestly, I have, like, no idea how he let me go out with you tonight!"

"Well, all I can say is that I'm glad he did" Matthew stated, putting a hand on Timothy's thigh, who gasped. "I'm so happy you're going to the party with me, Tiff… I know this is kinda early to say something like that, but I think you're the most special girl I've ever met. There is something very different and unique about you." 

"T-thanks" Timothy stammered, gulping. I indeed am, like, very different from any other girl you have ever met, Timothy thought, afraid. You have no idea how much! 

He desperately wanted to find a way to move Matt's hand away – which was now stroking his bare leg while he held the wheel with his other hand – but the feminized boy had no idea how to do that without seeming rude. He'd never been on a date before, after all, let alone a date with another guy. 

"You're welcome, babe. And I truly hope that once your father get to know me better, he won't even bat an eye about letting you go out with me. He will realize that I just want to make you happy and I will take care of you."

Timothy winced at that. Oh my gosh, Matt is already talking about future dates! He can't be that into me already, right? It makes, like, no sense, at all! I mean, we knew each other yesterday! But he's speaking as if he already were in love with me! Gosh, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?


Back at home, Richard was walking around the living room with vigorous steps as he impatiently looked for something. "Susan!" he yelled. "Did you see my wallet?"

"Why do you need your wallet?" Susan asked, coming from the kitchen. "Are you going out?"

"Yes, I'm going out!"

"Where are you going, dear?"

"What you think?" Richard roared. "I'm going to get so fucking drunk that I won't even remember my name! Drunk enough to forget all the shit that is going on around here!"

"Oh, Richard... I understand that all this is hard for you, but..."

"Hard? No, this is so much worse than hard, Susan! My son, wearing a red dress and high heels, just got out of the house in another boy's arms. Do you understand what I am saying? I don't want to hear whatever you have to say right now, okay? Just tell me where my damn wallet is!"

"I didn't see your wallet, Richard" Susan said, her voice sounding a little cold. "Did you check your pants pockets?"

"What do you think I am? Some kind of moron?" Richard asked, and Susan had to bite her tongue to keep from saying what she really thought about her husband. "My pockets were the first place I searched for my wallet" Richard continued. "And I'm telling you, this is not..." he stopped talking suddenly as he patted the back pocket of his pants once again. "Oh... umm... looks like my wallet is here, after all" he scratched his head. "Do you see what this situation is doing to me? I'm going out now, Susan. You don’t have to wait up for me."


When the car stopped, Timothy found himself in front of a beautiful mansion with a large garden on the other side of the town. The loud music and the sound of many excited voices made it clear that this wasn't going to be just a small party like Matthew had said, which made the feminized boy even more apprehensive. 

After leaving the car (Matthew opened his door again, and offered his hand to help Timothy get up), he started walking towards the house. Timothy kept thinking that it would be best for him to avoid any kind of physical contact with Matthew throughout the night, but his legs were shaking so badly that he was forced to lean on the other guy as they moved forward. Matthew didn't seem bothered by that, at all... Smiling broadly, he put an arm around Timothy's waist – his hand dangerously close to the feminized boy butt – pressing their bodies even closer together.

"Hey, man!" a tall guy with black hair greeted Matthew as he opened the house door. "You're finally here! Why did you take so long? Zack is about to start his victory speech. You wouldn't want to miss it, would you? You know how hilarious his speeches can be. Oh, and who is this beauty with you?"

"Take your eyes off her, Tyler" Matthew said, laughing. "This is Tiffany, my date. Tiffany, this is Tyler, our host tonight."

"Hey, Tiffany! Nice to meet you" Tyler said, making a huge effort not to lust after the body of the girl with his buddy. "You don't go to our school, do you? I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"Nice to meet you too, Tyler" Timothy said, so nervous that he snuggled even closer to Matthew's body. "No, I… umm… go to another school." 

"I see... and how did you meet each other?" 

"Tiffany is my grandma's neighbor, man. We met each other at her house yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Tyler exclaimed. "Ha! You really don't waste time, man! But, please, come in! If you guys need something just call me, okay? Feel at home!"


"Hey, you, I want another one of these!" Richard said to the bartender, pointing at his empty glass of whiskey. 

"Don't you think you already have had enough, my friend?" the bald man with a large mustache behind the counter asked, as he dried some glasses with a dirty cloth. 

"Who do you think you are to tell me when I should stop drinking?" Richard growled. "Just give me my damn drink!"

When the bartender finally filled his glass again, Richard stared at the liquid for a few seconds just before drinking it all in one swallow again. "One more!" he shouted in a choked voice, punching the counter. "Why don't you just leave the bottle here, huh? You know I'll pay for it, right?"

But the truth was that no matter how much Richard drank, he just couldn't forget the shame and anger he was feeling. It wasn't just about Timothy going on a date that night. The last few weeks as a whole had been hellish for the man…

When his son started attending school as a girl, Richard did his best for this information not to reach the ears of people who worked with him at the Navy base, but it was an effort in vain. Pretty soon some people there knew what was going on, and the news spread quickly… That was when Richard's torment began.

His underlings said nothing for fear of possible retaliation, but Richard could see the way they kept looking at him all the time, as if they were dying to laugh at his expense. Richard's superiors and peers weren't so subtle, though, and openly mocked the man. How could Richard, who had always bragged of being an 'alpha male', have a sissy son? How ironic was that?   

Feeling more and more furious, the man drank another shot. He had always loved his job more than anything, but now even it had become a burden on him. All thanks to his stupid son, who refused to behave like a 'real man'… Richard was so ashamed that he felt like disappearing. He wanted to be left alone and not have to talk to anyone anytime soon... But in another irony of fate, as soon as this thought crossed his head, someone spoke to him. 

"You're Timothy Foster's father, aren't you?"


"Here's your soda, babe" Matthew said, handing Timothy a cup. "Diet Coke, just like you asked for."

"Oh, thank God, Matt!" Timothy cried out, sounding extremely relieved. 

"Wow! I had no idea you were so thirsty!"

"What? No, it's not that!" Timothy giggled, covering his mouth with one manicured hand, and Matthew felt a chill in his belly. Man, does she have any idea how irresistible she looks when she does that? He wondered. 

"The thing is..." Timothy continued. "Two or three different guys came to talk to me while you were away, and it totally freaked me out..."

Just as Timothy had feared upon arriving at the house, the so-called small party turned out to be a huge one, with at least two hundred people. There was even a dance floor in one of the rooms, which impressed Timothy – He had never been in such a big house. 

"Which guys?" Matthew asked, getting angry. "Were they disrespectful to you? 'Cause if they were, I'm gonna..."

"No, that's not the issue!" Timothy replied hastily. "They weren't rude or something... I think they didn't know I was accompanied and just wanted to talk, you know? It's just that I'm not used to... umm... male attention" Timothy looked down.   

"Now this is hard to believe" Matthew said. "A girl as beautiful as you... I bet you always had the guys eating out the palm of your hand."

"Geez, you are, like, soo wrong! You saw can strict my dad can be. So he… umm… never let me go to many parties and stuff" Timothy improvised the best he could. "Also, I rarely if ever dress up like this. I... umm... I just chose this outfit today 'cos I wanted you to think I looked pretty and…" Timothy stopped talking suddenly, blushing so furiously that his face turned as red as his dress. 

Why the hell had he said something like that? It wasn't even true! Susan, Kate, Lyss, and the other girls were the ones who said he needed to look pretty to impress Matt. Timothy himself had never said something like that. He had no interest in looking attractive to guys, after all... Right

"Man, I feel more and more like the luckiest guy in the world" Matthew said gallantly, lifting Timothy's chin with a finger. "But if what you wanted was for me to think you looked pretty, you didn't need to do anything at all, babe. I'm sure you look stunning even when you just wake up. And don't worry... I won't leave your side again tonight. I'm gonna protect you and make you feel safe…" and saying so, he embraced Timothy, with his right hand still on the feminized boy's chin. 

When Timothy realized what was about to happen, he almost lost his mind… Matthew had closed his eyes and was bringing his lips closer to Timothy's… The feminized boy was completely stuck, with no way to get rid of Matt's grip. Was that really it? Was he going to be kissed by another boy? But at the very last moment, Timothy's mind 'jumpstarted', and he turned his face, making Matt kiss his cheek instead of his lips. 

It didn't seem to weaken Matthew's will, though, and he kept kissing Timothy's cheek, slowly going down towards his slender neck. Having to think fast again, Timothy suggested the first thing that came to his mind, and regretted it almost immediately…

"Umm... Matt, why don't we go, like, dance a little bit, huh?"

"Really? And here I was thinking you were a shy girl!" Matt said, with a naughty wink. "Your wish is an order, babe" he added, grabbing the feminized boy's hand and dragging him to the dance floor… 



Erica Rost

It's the loss of control of the father and his ... his daughter who loses all these means and has fun with a guy at a party or he ... she didn't want to go ... it's starting to turn the comic tragedy and it gets more and more funny ...

Mika W

I wonder what is in store for Richard. Maybe he still has a Transition ahead of him aswell. He wants to escape doesn't he.

Nino Heđi

Amazing! I think that it's time for bit bigger timeskip after this and tiff has prom queen potential but that's up to mellisa. Also it's good time for more feminine changes in tiff's life and maybe martin's appearance? That's just my oppinion so... Overall outstanding! And what if richard saw tiff kiss matt after matt drops tiff back home after party? Could be very interesting!


I was thinking the same I always feel that also Richard will go through a transition