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"Oh my gosh! What a marvelous bedroom, Ti-Ti! Everything looks so magnificent here!" Gabriella, the blonde girl who loved to wear braids, exclaimed as she entered Timothy's room, about an hour later. Beside her, there were Chloe and Alyssa, who seemed equally impressed. 

"Ella is right. This definitely is a beautiful place" Alyssa stated to Timothy's surprised. He had never seen the gang leader praising something so openly before. "I don't think I've ever seen a girlier room than this one. Looks like you really want to make it clear that you're a girl, right? Not bad, Ti-Ti. Now, let's get changed and then we can start having some fun…"

Ten minutes later, the girls were already wearing their nighties, and Timothy was still having a hard time believing that that was really happening. Just a few weeks ago, he would have thought he was the luckiest guy in the world if he had three gorgeous girls in his bedroom wearing only lingerie. Reality, though, turned out quite different from what he could have dreamed, since he himself was also wearing lingerie, and the girls saw him as just one of them. 

They had not even felt ashamed to get changed in front of him, which made Timothy feel even more impotent and emasculated. He had imagined that his first time seeing boobs in person would be very, very different from that...   

"What you think you are doing, Ti-Ti?" Alyssa asked, looking threatening, as the feminized boy left his closet. Unlike the girls, he had excused himself to get changed in privacy.

"Umm... what's wrong, Lyss?" Timothy boy asked, afraid. 

"What's wrong? Did you take a look at yourself? What are you even wearing? Your grandma's pajamas?" 

Timothy couldn't deny that unlike Alyssa and the other girls, he had been a lot conservative in his nightwear choice. He was wearing a pretty but simple silk nightwear set, consisting of a light purple tank top and a pair of matching loose shorts. Considering the kind of clothing his stepmother had been helping him to shop since he had started to live as a girl full-time, it had been a very difficult task to find such a modest set amid the countless flirty piece of clothing that filled his closet. 

"D-didn't you like it?" he asked, nervously wringing his hands and rubbing his legs together. The truth was that he definitely didn't want to wear anything too revealing that night. The whole sleepover thing itself was already embarrassing enough for him. "I thought this pajama set was, like, totally cute and..." 

"Oh, girl, and here I was thinking you had some fashion sense!" We need to fix this… and fast! Chlo, Ella, let's check her closet..." Alyssa exclaimed, in her typical bossy tone.

Then, for the next forty minutes, Timothy was forced to parade around the room trying on several nighties, nylons and heels. Needless to say, he hated it with all his heart. However, the last thing he wanted was for someone like Alyssa Taylor to be mad at him. He knew very well that she could turn his life in school into an even worse nightmare. 

"That's it, Ti-Ti. I think this nightie suits you superbly!" Alyssa said at some point, as Timothy walked across the room balancing on 4-inch pink mule heels. He was wearing a see-through pink nightie, so short that it fully exposed his stockings tops, and even some of his lace pink thong. 

It was Timothy's first time wearing such a garment, and needless to say he wasn't exactly enjoying the experience. Not only did he had to tuck his penis much more firmly in order to accommodate it in such a limited space, but he also got immensely bothered and annoyed at the feeling of the underwear backside sneaking up between his buttocks. How could women get used to something like that? Timothy was already about to lose his mind!

"OMG I totally agree!" Gabriella exclaimed, clapping. "You look soo freaking hot, Ti-Ti!" 

"T-thanks, girls" Timothy meekly said, blushing.  

"Oh gosh... aren't you such a cutie pie?" Chloe said, smirking. "The way you bat your eyelashes and look shy whenever you hear a compliment is definitely enticing. Trust me, girl, guys like it… a lot! Also your body… Like Lyss and Ella mentioned, this is getting so sexy and feminine. The hormones are definitely doing a terrific job on you, Ti-Ti! I don't see you staying single for too long. What you say girls? Wanna bet how long it will take for Ti-Ti to get her first boyfriend?"

"Very funny, Chlo!" Timothy cried out, panicking. "Now can we change the subject, please?"

"Why the hurry, Ti-Ti?" Alyssa asked, suspicious. "Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I've ever heard you talk about boys. You usually just nod and stuff when we're talking about it. Why that, girl? Don't you like guys?"

Upon hearing that question, Timothy swallowed hard, not knowing what to answer. He didn't think it would be advisable to tell Alyssa and the other girls the truth. They had just got changed in front of him, and even now they were wearing barely any clothes. How would they react if they knew Timothy was attracted to girls? That could definitely end very badly…

Realizing that he was trapped once again, he knew he had to lie to them, no matter how difficult it would be to say that... 

"G-gee, of course I like guys!" he stated, blushing again, to the delight of the girls. "I-it's just that... well... I want to, like, focus on my transition right now, okay? Also… what guy would want to date me? Everyone at school totally knows that I am ... umm... different." 

"Oh poor Ti-Ti!" Gabriella said, standing up and hugging Timothy from behind. "I had no idea you were, like, feeling so lonely and insecure. You are totally wrong, though, girl! I know of at least three or four guys at school who wouldn't mind dating you. Quite the contrary, actually... They would looove taking you out" she whispered in the feminized boy's ear, making him shiver. "Including that old friend of yours..." 

"Who? Martin?!" Timothy got startled. "Do you know Martin? Do you talk to him?" 

"Oh looks like someone is getting interested!" Alyssa said in a teasing voice, and the other girls giggled. "Isn't this Martin guy that tall one with curly hair? Yeah, he's kinda cute, although he is a weirdo."

"Martin is not a weirdo!" Timothy stated, a little taller than he had intended. "He just has some... well... eccentric habits."

"Ha! Eccentric habits? Are you trying to sound like an intellectual to protect your boyfriend, Ti-Ti? It doesn't suit you girl… You know that your charm is being an airhead, right?" Alyssa mockingly said. 

"Whatever, Lyss" Timothy rolled his eyes. "Now tell me what's going on, Ella! Did you talk to Martin or something?" 

"Not exactly, girl. But the thing is, after this friend of yours – or soon-to-be boyfriend, who knows – was kicked out of the basketball team, he…"

"Wait a minute!" Timothy interrupted her. "Martin got kicked out of the basketball team?! What are you even talking about?"

"Didn't you know that? Oh girl, that's bad... He was kicked out because of you, after all..." 


"Everybody knows it. He broke that guy's nose to defend you, didn't he? After that he was kicked out of the team."

"But this is totally unfair!" Timothy cried out, furious. "Martin wasn't guilty of anything! It was Adam, that jerk, who started the whole mess!"

"Well, seems like the basketball coach doesn't agree with you. Anyway, after being kicked, he went to the football team, where we are cheerleaders, as you well know, so we know everything that's going on over there…"

"Especially you, who can't live without a good gossip, right, Ella? Not to mention how much you loove to lust after the players' bodies" Chloe teased her friend. 

"As if you were any bit different, darling" Gabriella made a face at Chloe. "But as I was saying, he went to the football team and this is why I know Martin likes you, Ti-Ti… From what I heard, whenever someone makes a joke about you, he is always there to defend you. He doesn't allow anyone to call you sissy or anything, saying that you are a girl and that people should treat you as such. I even witnessed something like that once, and oh girl… You should hear him talking about his beloved Tiffany. He's totally into you, girl. There's, like, no doubt about it!" Gabriella finished enthusiastically, but Timothy was no longer listening to her.

Oh my gosh, what have I done? He thought, feeling guilt taking over his whole being and tears coming to his eyes. 

It was pretty clear that Timothy and Martin's friendship was going through a rough period. The two boys, who had been inseparable for so many years, hadn't spoken a word to each other in the last two weeks, since the day Timothy had showed up in school dressed as a girl for the first time. 

During the first few days after, Martin was angry with Timothy, believing that his friend didn't trust him enough to admit he was a transgender. Sometime later, though, he swallowed his pride and texted Tiffany, asking if she wanted to talk about what was going on. But then it was Timothy's turn to get mad. Why couldn't Martin believe him when he kept saying he didn't want to be a girl? It was just so frustrating…

Timothy had then ignored all his friend's messages ever since, telling himself that he had nothing to talk to Martin until the other guy was ready to accept that Timothy didn't like living as Tiffany. 

But now, knowing that Martin had been kicked out of basketball team because of him, and that even being ignored by Timothy he was still defending his friend whenever necessary, the feminized boy felt incredibly guilty… After all, could he really blame Martin for not believing his version of the story?

Just listen to yourself, Tiffany, Timothy told himself. It doesn't matter if you are, like, telling him the truth... The idea that you started attending school as a girl just to teach your dad a lesson sounds totally like a lame excuse. Who could buy it so easily, girl? OMG I can't believe I've been treating Martin sooo unfairly … He has always been so sweet to me… I need to do something… I know I'll be able to, like, convince him of the truth over time… He knows me better than anyone else in the world… When we go back to hanging out, he'll realize that no matter how I look, I'm still a guy, right? Gosh, I totally hope so! Timothy fervently wished, as he had one of him hands on his widening hips, and the other curling a lock of her blond hair around a manicured finger. Maybe convincing Martin that deep down he was still an ordinary guy would be a little harder than he was expecting… 

He was so distracted by his internal conflicts that he didn't notice that his phone – that was on the bed, next to Alyssa – was ringing again.

"Well, well, well..." Alyssa started saying, after checking Timothy's phone. "Looks like someone wasn't being completely honest about whether or not she has a boyfriend..." 



Mika W

Maybe Ti Ti should come to terms with her beeing bi. And now it is a love square. :-)

Erica Rost

Martin or Matt, what boy will be Tiffany's boyfriend?

Verónica Jerez

Oh my god! Tiff has some new problems


Aww poor Martin!