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With his eyes closed, Momoko felt something touching his lips.

"Open your mouth a little bit, honey" Airi asked him. "Good... Doesn't it feel nice?" 

Unable to control his curiosity, Momoko opened his eyes slightly, and then had a great shock. He saw that what he had in his mouth was something that looked disturbingly like a big cock!

"W-what's going on here?" he asked, backing away. 

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, silly" Miyabi said. "This is just a little toy... Well, maybe not so little" she giggled.

"B-but it looks like a..." 

"Just trust us, Momoko-Chan" Airi said, stroking his back. "You have no idea how sexy you can look while sucking something like this. You love looking sexy, don't you? Also, this is a lot of fun! Miyabi-san and I do it all the time!"

"D-do you?" Momoko asked, feeling that he was about to lose his mind. On the one hand, he truly wanted to follow Airi and Miyabi's footsteps in every possible way. They were his role models, after all. Moreover, he had indeed learned how nice it was to feel sexy… 

On the other hand, he knew that doing that would be terribly wrong. That thing looked like a cock, for God's sake! He didn't like men, did he? No, of course not! He was a straight guy, and anyone could see it… right?

However, he didn't have much time to keep thinking about the issue. Realizing his hesitation, Airi and Miyabi simply pushed him to the sofa, and then put the dildo in his hand. Momoko held that thing in disgust, almost as if he were afraid that it might bite him. 

"Now just close your eyes and try licking it a little bit, okay?" Miyabi said. "Just think about it as a lollipop." 

Momoko intended to say he wasn't going to do that, but when he realized it his hand was already taking that monster to his mouth. It was as if he had lost control of his own body. Knowing that it was inevitable now, he closed his eyes as Miyabi had instructed him to do and tried to relax a little bit, although this seemed simply impossible.

"That's it, Momoko-Chan" Airi said, as the sissified guy started licking the tip of the dildo. "You look so sexy now…"

Upon hearing that, Momoko felt impelled to try even harder for some reason, and slowly parted his lips, allowing the dildo to go into his mouth. 

This doesn't feel so bad, he thought after some time, as he unknowingly began rubbing one of his boobs. Umm… Not bad, at all…

Momoko started to get seriously horny again, and the more aroused he felt, the deeper she shoved the dildo into his mouth. He didn't know why he had been so silly before. Sucking that thing was really, really fun. He realized once again how amazing Airi and Miyabi were as his mentors, and made a mental note that he should start listening more to them. In fact, he should just trust them entirely…

"Very good, Momoko-Chan" Airi said, smiling. "You’re such a sexy girl, aren’t you?" she added, but Momoko was too distracted to realize that she had just called him a "girl"



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