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Mark Watson was feeling physically and mentally exhausted. He had been working so hard during the last few weeks that he was sure that pretty soon he would lose his mind. The poor young man was lucky when he was able to leave the office before eight in the evening. Mr. Simmons, his boss, had told him that this was a kind of test so that Mark would prove that he deserved to be the next person in the department to get a promotion. 

But I wonder if this is really worth it, he thought, as he returned to his office carrying another cup of coffee. He felt desolate remembering the pile of work that was waiting for him at his desk. However, when he entered the room, he saw something quite different from what he was expecting on his desk – a very hot mature lady, who smiled at him and crossed her legs sensually. He knew that woman, of course. She was none other but Mrs. Mason, Mr. Hill's secretary. 

Now Mark was sure that he had already lost his mind. Why would that sexy MILF be sitting on his desk and looking at him like that? That could only be a hallucination… 

"H-hello, Ma'am" he stammered, nervously. "May I... Umm... help you with something?" 

"Oh, I truly hope so!" Suzanne said, smiling wider. "You're my last hope, after all" she then stood up and began to walk seductively towards the young man. 

"W-whatever you need, Ma'am!" Mark said, swallowing hard and unconsciously taking a step back.

"I've been noticing you for a while, you know..." the woman whispered. By then she already was very close to the young man, running a finger through his chest, which seemed to make the poor guy even more nervous. 

Suzanne couldn't deny she was enjoying that. She felt very, very empowered seeing the guy looking so intimidated by her presence. As much as he tried to hide it, Suzanne could see that he found her very attractive. He could barely keep his eyes away from her cleavage, and she felt flattered. 

Not bad for a middle-aged woman, she thought.

"N-noticing me, Ma'am?" Mark finally was able to ask.

"Of course, my dear... You are not only a very handsome man, but you also look so smart... I'm sure all the young ladies around here are crazy about you..." 

Suzanne wasn't lying about Mark's appearance. He was indeed a handsome man, with a muscular body, short hair and a manly face. She especially liked his thick eyebrows, and deep black eyes, which gave him an air of mystery. Despite his insecurity, the woman could feel that there was more about him than could be seen at first sight. 

"I... I don't know about that, Ma'am... But, t-thanks, anyway!" 

"Now, now... Why don't you stop calling me, Ma'am? If you keep doing so, I'll start thinking that you see me as an old lady. Is that what you think, my dear?"

"Of course not, Ma'am! Sorry, I mean..."

"That's okay, sweetheart. Just call me Suzanne."

"T-then you can call me, Mark."

"Good. Now, as I was saying, I came here because I need your help. Just like you, I'm working late today. It seems like only the two of us were left in the building… Isn't it crazy to think about it? Anyway, I'm having a hard time registering some information in the system, and I need to have it done tonight! Could you give me a hand, please?" she finished, biting her lower lip and leaned her torso forward just a little so that the young man could see a little more of her ample cleavage. 

"No problem, Ma'am... I mean, Suzanne!" Mark said, looking more than happy to help that voluptuous damsel in distress

"Oh, you're such a lovely man, Mark! I don't know what I would do without you. I have the documents here. Let me show you" and saying so, Suzanne approached the table again followed by Mark, making sure to swing her hips so that he had a beautiful view of her butt enveloped by her tight leather skirt along the way… 




Mark is completely under Suzanne control ps. i have the feeling that there is gonna be a "Book 3", is just my feeling or you have planned a "Book 3"?


No, we're not going to have a Book 3! The story is almost finished now! Also, what I've learned from this story is that I shouldn't make serial books. From now on, no matter how big a story is, I will always publish it in a single volume! haha