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Some days later…

Harry woke up suddenly, feeling confused. Looking around, he wasn't sure where he was, or how he had gotten there. 

"Good morning, my darling" said a middle-aged Japanese woman, entering the bedroom. "It's good to see that you're already awake. We have a lot to do."

"W-who are you? What place is this?" 

"What are you talking about, my darling? Don't you remember what happened yesterday?" 

After the woman said that, some memories began to emerge in Harry's head. However, they were so blurry that they seemed more like a weird dream. 

"You came to my modest spa to get ready for your important mission" the woman patiently explained. "Do you remember now?" 

"I guess so, Sato-Sensei" Harry said, suddenly also remembering the name and title by which he should refer to the woman. 

"Good" she smiled. "And don't forget you must obey me under all circumstances. This is essential to the success of your mission. Now let's go."



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