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So, that's it. I'm glad I was able to finish this story exactly as I had planned at the beginning, and I hope you guys have enjoyed it. This was a long ride, but over a year later we finally got to the end of this story!

Once again, I have no words to thank you all. I've spend hundreds of dollars (maybe more) to buy characters, hairstyles, clothes, shoes, etc for this story, and it would have been impossible without your support! Thank you very much!

I'll be out of town until the new year, but don't worry! I schedule some new posts, so you guys will see new stuff while I'm away!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! :-)




aww such a happy ending

Anna Komnena

It's been an honor being on this ride you took us on.

Robert Drew

A lesson well-learned indeed. The former genius doesn't let her brains get in the way of fun. Good job completing this story by the way!

Kitty St. Clare

I loved this story as well, very well written from start to finish. My only wish is that they had given her some of her brain back. Maybe not enough to be a math genius, but enough to get into college, so she doesn't just go for her MRS degree when her mom inevitably pays for her to go, despite her grades.

Robert Drew

Now that the main story is over, perhaps you could make some Before and After profiles.


haha glad you liked it! About college... I don't know... Maybe she'll care more about being a cheerleader from now on... Maybe a pro cheerleader? :-D