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A week later…

"Oh, honey, you look so hot today" Mr. Hill said, grabbing Suzanne from behind and kissing her neck. "Looking at you, I even feel tempted to cancel my appointment so that we can have some fun… It's already past five o'clock, you know... I bet almost everyone else has already left the building..." 

"Really? Do you think I look this good?" the woman asked, smiling. "You're so sweet, Greg. But this is just an old outfit, you know..."

This wasn't true. Suzanne had gone shopping just the day before to buy those clothes, and she also knew very well that she looked stunning wearing them. That was what she was aiming at, after all… She needed to look more attractive than ever. 

Her outfit consisted of a bright red top with a deep V-neck, a high waist leather skirt that ended far above her knees, and 5-inch sandals heels. That was a very provocative and certainly inappropriate outfit for the office – even for her standards – but she had a good reason to be dressed like that. She had to seduce someone… This time, however, Mr. Hill wasn't her target, oh no! In fact, for her plan to work, she needed to get rid of him as quickly as possible. 

"Aren't you going to be late for your meeting with Mr. Walter, dear?" she asked, while the man kept kissing her neck and started rubbing her breasts over her top. "He's waiting for you on the other side of town and you have only half an hour to get there." 

"I can always meet the old Gerald some other day..."

"If you say so..." she said, trying to sound thrilled. "What are you still doing with your pants on, then? I can't wait to feel you inside me, darling... Oh, yeah! Let's just hope that Mr. Walter doesn't decide to cancel the new contract just because you won't meet him today… But I’m sure you're more than capable of persuading him later… "

Upon hearing this, Mr. Hill stopped unzipping his pants, seeming to be in doubt about what to do. 

"Dammit! On second thought, I don't think I can leave him waiting. Not today." 

"Are you sure?" Suzanne asked, pretending that she was disappointed. "You made me so excited and now you're leaving? This is not fair!" 

"I'm sorry, babe, but remember that I'm about to close a huge deal with that bastard. I want it settled before next week, when I'm going to meet Mr. McFarland at the company's anniversary party. Do you remember this party, don't you?" 

"Of course, honey." 

"Good, because I want you there with me" he stated, kissing her on the lips. "Now ,why can't you come with me to the meeting with Gerald again?" 

"Don't you remember? I told you yesterday that I’d need to go with Brianna to a medical appointment this afternoon."

"Yes, now I remember. What's wrong with her?"

"I don't think this is anything serious… Just women’s business, if you know what I mean… but I want to be by her side since she’s a little nervous."

"This is understandable. Let me know later what happened" he said, although he didn't seem that interested on the subject. "I have to go now." 

"That's okay, Greg. I'll just grab my things and then I'll leave, too" she lied. 

Suzanne waited about ten minutes at her desk to make sure that Mr. Hill had actually left the building. Then, she told herself it was time to put her plan into action… 

From the day that Suzanne had received the letter from Mary, she had begun to look around Mr. Simmons’s office trying to find a way to get in there without calling attention. What she noticed, though, was that the hallway never seemed to be completely deserted. Even after five in the afternoon, a Mr. Simmons' young assistant who worked in an adjoining office was always there, and Suzanne had no idea what time he used to leave the building. 

It was almost as if Mr. Simmons was feeling that someone might be investigating him, and then had placed a watchdog outside his office, which was a big problem for the woman. She couldn't just stay in the building until late at night because at some point she would be invited to retire by the security guards. 

So, she concluded that her best option was to go there after office hours, when only the young assistant would be around, and then get past him to finally examine Mr. Simmons' safe. After some observation, she was confident that she knew very well how to do that…

For this to be possible, though, she also needed Mr. Hill to be out of the way. But as his secretary, this wasn't difficult. She had been the one who had scheduled for him that appointment at such an unusual time, and then said that she couldn’t accompany him because she needed to go with Brianna to the doctor. 

She felt bad for lying about her daughter's health, but she was unable to think of any other plausible excuse. These days, Mr. Hill seemed to want Suzanne by his side the whole time, not because he liked her company, though, but to receive sexual favors or simply show her off as a trophy.

But she had hope that it would be over soon… 


Mark Watson was feeling physically and mentally exhausted. He had been working so hard in the last few weeks that he was sure that very soon he would lose his mind. The poor young man was lucky when he was able to leave the office before eight in the evening. Mr. Simmons, his boss, had told him that this was a kind of test so that Mark would prove that he deserved to be the next member of the department to get a promotion. 

But I wonder if it's really worth it, he thought, as he returned to his office carrying another cup of coffee. He felt desolate remembering the pile of work waiting for him at his desk. However, when he entered the room, he saw something quite different from what he was expecting on his desk – a very hot mature lady, who smiled at him and crossed her legs sensually. He knew that woman, of course. She was none other but Mrs. Mason, Mr. Hill's secretary. 

Now Mark was sure that he had already lost his mind. Why would that sexy MILF be sitting on his desk looking at him like that? That could only be a hallucination… 




When will we see the next chapter?