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"Is everything okay, Samantha? Paolo asked when they were inside his car, on the way to their destination. "You're quiet tonight." 

"Huh? Yes, everything is perfectly fine!" Samuel said, trying to sound as natural as possible. The truth was that he was still very disturbed by what had just happened, but he knew he couldn't let it affect him. If he did so, all his efforts until then would have been in vain. He needed to focus on his goal. In other words, He needed to start believing he was Samantha once again. "I'm just a little nervous, you know... I still can't believe you're taking me to this party."

"So this is it?" Paolo smiled. "Don't worry, honey! I'm sure everyone there will love you." 

That night, Paolo and Samantha were going to a gala party where all leading designers, models and brand owners of the Italian fashion industry would be present. That was why the girl was dressed so glamorously

"Oh, Paolo, I hope you're right... I'd hate to embarrass you!"

"Embarrass me? Oh, ragazza, your modesty is almost as captivating as your stunning beauty. I assure you that you’ll be the most beautiful woman in the party. There is no doubt about this."

When they finally arrived, Paolo helped Samuel leave the car and then they crossed a long red carpet, where they were bombarded by countless flashes from the cameras of the photographers who were there. It was only then that the feminized man fully realized the magnitude of that event. He felt as if he was at the Oscar ceremony, and he was sure that those photos would be in various newspapers and magazines the next day. 

Once inside the great hall, Samuel got stunned by the luxury and refinement of the place. As someone who had planned to study architecture in college, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of that building and feel happy to be there, despite the fact that he was all dolled up in his sexy dress and high heels.

With one hand on Samuel's slim waist, Paolo guided the feminized guy around the place, introducing him to a lot of people. Over time, Samuel began to relax a little bit thanks to the champagne he was drinking and also because that no one seemed to be surprised by his presence there, as he was irrationally dreading before. All that people could see by looking at him was a beautiful woman, and this realization made him more confident. 

Some time later, he excused himself to go to the toilet, where he approached the mirror to touch up his makeup. I'm Samantha, she told herself, seeing her reflection and feeling her femininity returns with full power. As she knew very well, to be able to be a man again she needed to get rid of her male self that night. This had become even more urgent now that Francesca had returned. I'm Samantha and I love to be a pretty model… I'm so happy to have Paolo as my date tonight... He's so gently, so handsome... So hot!  

Samantha got shocked by that thought, and wondered where it had come from. But then she said firmly to herself that there was nothing wrong about that. She was a woman, after all... What was the problem of finding a man attractive? 

"Here you are!" Mr. Abano said when Samantha finally left the bathroom. "I missed you so much, babe" he added, kissing her lightly on the lips. 

"Paolo!" she protested, hitting his arm weakly. "I just touched up my makeup!" 

"I’m sorry" he laughed. "But a woman like you doesn't need any makeup, at all!" 

"You say that because you never saw me when I wake up" she pouted. 

"Umm... Is that an invitation?" 

"W-what? No! I didn't mean to imply... Oh my gosh!" 

"That's okay, honey" Paolo smiled, stroking her back. "I was just teasing you. But I have to say you look so cute when you're shy..." 

They then went back to walking around the place and meeting people. Samantha was so immersed in her female persona that even the way she dealt with other women had changed. She was introduced to some stunning female models, but instead of thinking about how beautiful these women were, she just paid attention to their outfits, hairstyles and makeup, like any other female. 

Samantha also realized that she was drawing a lot of male attention, which was good for her to gain even more confidence. She still thought it was almost impossible to believe that the brand guy she used to be had been turned into such a gorgeous woman, and she couldn’t help but feel flattered by all that attention.

About half an hour later, they made their way to the area of the hall where there were several tables in front of a stage. From what Samantha could understand, some awards would be given that night. However, she was barely able to pay attention to what the host was saying because Mr. Abano kept her distracted the whole time...

As soon as they sat down, Paolo began to rub her legs under the table. Remembering to focus on her goal, Samantha didn't try to stop the man. In fact, she even encouraged him, pressing her legs against his hand. As his caresses grew more and more bolder, the woman began to feel very aroused, and she had to bite her lips to keep from moaning as Paolo’s hand moved closer to her crotch. Thank god all the lights were turned to the stage! 

"Do you like this, honey?" the man whispered in her ear, making her feel deep shiver. 

"Y-yes" Samantha gasped, as she wondered if she was letting that situation go too far. 

"Good... And this is just the beginning. I can make you so happy..." he said, kissing and nipping her neck. "Let's get out of here." 


They arrived at Mr. Abano's house about one hour later. The place was spacious and modern, with a clean décor. But Samantha was too busy to notice any of that – As soon as they stepped inside the house, Paolo started kissing her hungrily, as if your life depended on it. The woman kissed him back with equal enthusiasm, and soon they were making out with such urgency that they were even bumping into the furniture. 

Now that Samantha had freed her femme side, it seemed simply impossible to contain it again. She desperately needed to feel Paolo's strong, muscled body against her delicate, soft one; his beard brushing her slender neck; his big hands rubbing all over her body… 

She couldn't remember the last time she'd had any sexual relief, and she felt she just couldn't wait any longer. It was as if that was the only way for her to get some relief after all the traumas of that night. She had never felt such a strong urge in her entire life...



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