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"Wow, now this is a big house!" Samuel exclaimed when he and the girls arrived at their destination. Ms. De Fiore lived in a beautiful mansion located in an upscale district. Next to a sumptuous garden, there was a large patio where several luxury cars were parked. Samuel thought there was no way that event was just a small party as the girls had said, and this realization made him even more nervous. 

As soon as they stepped inside the stunning house, Ms. De Fiore approached, smiling. 

"Samantha, my darling, I'm glad you could come! And don't you look amazing tonight? I told you the girls at that salon know how to do their job!"

"Yeah, Ma'am! They are amazing. I love my new look!" he lied. 

"I'm so happy to hear that. Oh, and I'm glad to see you two as well, girls" she said to Mia and Greta, although she didn't seem so excited. "Please, be at ease, all of you. I hope you enjoy the night" and saying so, she moved away. 

Samuel and the girls then started walking around, and he kept wondering why he had been invited to that party.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!" Mia said. "It seems that everyone who is relevant in Italian fashion industry is here! Stylists, agents, models... everyone!"

"I know right?" Greta said. "Well, Ms. De Fiore isn't just a teacher. She has worked in the industry all her life, and she is very influential."

Hearing all this, Samuel felt an urge to run out of that house. He couldn't believe he was surrounded by those people dressed that way. Back in America, when he was just a nerd guy, he would have laughed if someone had told him that pretty soon he would be in a fancy party wearing a short red dress and heels, with his hair bleached and his face perfectly made-up. 

Maybe it was just because of his nervousness, but he had the feeling everyone was staring at him. Some men were clearly lusting after him, while a lot of stunning women, probably models, were checking out his hair and outfit closely. 

In the past, before he met Francesca, Samuel would have given an arm to be able to draw so much attention from women... But under different circumstances, of course! That night, he was just another girl... 

"Good evening, Ma'am" said someone behind him, startling the feminized man. Turning around, he was it was just a waiter. "I'm sorry if I scared you" he said. "Would you like a glass of champagne?"

On the way to the party, Samuel had told himself he couldn't drink that night... Not even a drop! After the nightclub experience, he knew it was too dangerous. However, he just couldn't resist when he saw the champagne... He was so distressed... He just needed a glass to relax a bit, that was all... just a little glass...

He felt amazing when he tasted the drink. That was some really good stuff - the kind of drink he had never been able to afford. 

Pretty soon, the first glass turned into a second, and then a third. He felt much more relaxed, and he kept telling himself that he was in control of everything. He was sure he was far away from being drunk or something. 

Following Mia and greta, he also was forced to interact with some people, but he pretty much just listened and giggled occasionally. Not even realizing that, he was acting like some blonde bimbo girl.

At this point, all the looks he was getting were no longer bothering him. In fact, he kind of felt... good about it.  As a bland guy, Samuel had never been the center of attention. Therefore, this new situation was thrilling for him.

"I guess I'm much more popular as a girl" he thought, giggling. "Well, is it so bad being a hot woman?"

He got shocked by that thought, and realized that he had drunk enough. It was time to leave the party before something terrible happened. He was about to say that to Mia and Greta when he heard someone calling his female name. 

"Samantha, honey, here you are!" said Ms. De Fiore. "I was looking for you all over the place!"

"Umm... Hi again, Ma'am!"

"Could you come with me for a moment, my dear? There is someone I want you to meet."

Samuel tried to think of some good excuse, but nothing came to his mind.

"S-sure, Ma'am" he was then forced to say.

"I promise this won't take long. This way, please."

The feminized man began to follow the older woman, wondering who was this mysterious person that Ms. De Fiore wanted to introduce to him...



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