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"H-hello" the feminized man answered the phone in a weak voice.

"Umm... Hi! I'd like to talk to Samuel. Is this his phone?"

"Francesca, this is me!"

"Samuel?!" his girlfriend exclaimed, confused. "Your voice sounds different. Is everything okay?"

Samuel's eyes widened. Talking like a female had became something so natural for him that he had just spoken to his girlfriend using his girly voice without even realizing it!

"Umm... Year, I'm fine" he said, now trying to use his old voice, but for some reason he sounded like a silly girl trying to emulate a man. "I just got a cold, that's all" he lied. "This is why my voice is a little weird. Nothing to worry about!"

"I see..." Francesca said, not so convinced. Her boyfriend's voice not only was higher than before, but his diction was very bad too, as if he had something in his mouth. Obviously, she had no idea that this was happening because he had had his lips filled earlier that day and they were still numb. "So, how are you doing, honey? Are Mia and Greta still driving you crazy?"

"Oh, no! Now we're... umm... getting along much better, you know... They aren't that bad!" 

"That's good to know... And do you know what's even better? I think we'll be able to solve our family issues here sooner than I expected. There is a possibility that pretty soon I'll be back in Milan..."

"No!" Samuel cried out, shrilly. Just the thought of his girlfriend seeing him as he looked now was too disturbing to the poor guy.

"What?! Don't you want me to come back? What's going on, Samuel? Is it really you? You're acting so weird!"

"Of course I want you to come back, babe! I'm dying to see you again. It's just that... well... I don't want you to hurry because of me. Your family must be your priority now!"

"Oh, how sweet!" Francesca said, although she was still feeling that there was something wrong. "Well, things are much better here now, and soon everything will be fine. And you know... I even talked to my folks about you. They can hardly wait to meet you!"

Samuel looked at the mirror and swallowed hard. The stunning girl who looked back at him definitely couldn't be anyone's boyfriend. She looked more like the hot girlfriend of some handsome man. How would Francesca's parents react if they discovered that their daughter was dating a "so-called guy "who was pretending to be a sexy female model?

"T-that's great, babe" he said. "I'm also eager to..."

Just then the door of Samuel's room was suddenly opened and Mia came in. "Why are you taking so long, Samantha? We're going to be late!"

Samuel got so frightened that he even jumped a little. 

"I... I gotta go, babe! Sorry!" he told his girlfriend.

"Who is there with you?"

"Oh, this is just Mia!"

"Did she call you Samantha?"

"Samantha?! No, of course not! She called me Samuel, obviously! But... Umm... I really need to go now... I've some modelling stuff to do... But as I was saying, please do not rush because of me... Take your time to support your family... Love you!"

He then hung up the phone, realizing that he was more screwed than ever...



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