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"Are you Samantha Ellen Thomas?" asked one of the men.

"Y-yes!" Samuel gasped. 

"Great!" the other man said. "We have an important matter to discuss with you, Miss."

"Sure! Could you just wait a moment for me to..."

"What's going on, Samantha?" Mia asked, while she and Greta entered the living room. "Who's at the door?"

"I... I don't know yet... I need..."

"Sammie, darling" Greta said. "You shouldn't welcome two gentlemen wearing only a nightie and your pretty panties! What will they think about you?"

"I know!" Samuel said through gritted teeth. "That's why I was going to get changed!"

"Umm... If you are feeling comfortable, you don't need to do that just because of us" said the first man. He was trying to disguise this, but it was clear he was enjoying the vision of the 'girl' wearing only 'her' sexy lingerie. "Anyway, we're here on behalf of the University of Milan. I'm Benito, and this is Fausto. We came to help you solve the little problem you had when you tried to renew your enrollment."

"What?!" Samuel exclaimed. "I can't believe the University sent two people to my house just to help me. Why that?"

"Well, let's say you've become the protégé of someone very influential in the institution. Do you remember Mrs. De Fiore?"

"Of course" Samuel said. How could he forget her? Mrs. De Fiore was one of Mia and Greta's teachers, and on the day Samuel had met her his life as a girl had begun. 

"Very well... Mrs. De Fiore isn't just a teacher but also one of the members of the University Council, and she wants your issue to be solved as soon as possible. Isn't that great?"

"I... I guess so?"

"Amazing! Now, our record says you claimed that you're a man named Samuel Edward Thomas, but this is clearly some kind of misunderstanding, right?" Benito said, discreetly checking Samuel's body. 

"Umm... Yeah, absolutely" Samuel stated, feeling deeply humiliated. But how could he say he was a guy dressed like that? He had no choice.

"I believe this was the cause of your problem, and we're really sorry about that. Clearly some University employee made a big mistake" Fausto said. "But we're here to fix that, okay? Don't worry! Now, we just need to see your I.D."

"Oh, I know where it is" Mia said quickly. "I'll get this right now."

When she returned, she handed the men Samuel's fake I.D., the one that stated he was a female. 

"Perfect!" Fausto said, filling some papers. "Now Mrs. De Fiore also said you want to change your degree. You want to study fashion design, right?"

"W-what? Umm... Yeah, that's true as well!" Samuel stammered, remembering that he had indeed told this to the woman, just so she would be totally convinced that he was a girl. 

"We can do that too!" Benito said, radiant. "Just sign here, please."

And so Samuel did, hardly believing that was really happening. He felt a shiver as he signed 'Samantha Ellen Thomas'. It was too weird... Fortunately, he would soon be far from that city so it wouldn't matter at all...

"Just one last thing...." Benito said. "It's really, really strange, but it seems that there is an issue about your identity at the American Embassy too. But again, you don't need to worry about that! Since you're a scholarship student at the University of Milan, we'll send them copies of your 'real' documents."

"T-this isn't necessary!" Samuel said, desperated. What could happen if the American Embassy thought he was a girl? Would he be able to return to the United States as Samuel? 

"That's okay, Miss Thomas! This isn't hard, at all, and Mrs. De Fiore could kill us if we don't solve this problem completely. Well, I think that's all. Have a nice day, ladies!"



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