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Some time later they decided to sit down again. 

"Oh, Samantha, you were amazing!" Mia said, clapping. "I think you were the hottest girl on the dance floor! You drove all the guys crazy!"

After dancing so intensely, Samuel was more or less sober again, and he felt extremely embarrassed by what he had done. What the hell was he thinking? It was so wrong! But then... why had he had so much fun?

"I think we need to drink a little more to celebrate!" Greta said. 

"Celebrate what?" Samuel asked. 

"Isn't that obvious? Celebrate the beginning of your life as Samantha! You can't deny it now, doll. You not only can pass as a girl... but you're a sexy one! And you agreed that if no one found out who you are, or rather, was a guy, you would be our female model for the next six months!"

Samuel was desperate to hear that. How could he live as a girl for six months?

"And now it's your turn to get the drinks, Sammie" Mia said.

"W-what? Do you want me to go to the bar by myself?"

"Oh, c'mon! You're a big girl! Also, you didn't seem so shy on the dance floor..."

With no choice, Samuel got up and started to cross the place, moving his hips along the way. When he finally got to the bar, and was about to order the drinks, he felt a large hand on his waist, and heard a manly voice say in his ear: "Hey, ragazza, how you doing?"



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