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In addition to all the new documents, Mrs. Larsen had also lent Patricia a car so she could go to the work. It was a pearly white Honda Fit – not the girliest car in the world, but it wasn't the kind of car she was used to drive when she was still Patrick either. 

Patricia soon discovered that driving while wearing high heels was a complete new experience, and she made some driving mistakes before she got the hang of it. Some drivers weren’t so patient, though, and honked and cursed her along the way. One of them even stopped beside her at a traffic signal, and was about to curse her a little more. However, when the partially bald middle-aged man saw who was driving that car, he immediately changed his mind. 

"Umm... I a-am sorry for what I said before " he stammered. "I'm a little nervous this morning and… and it was kind of my fault, anyway." 

Patricia lowered the car window slowly, and smiled at the man teasingly. "You're very kind, sir" she said. "But you don't have to lie to me. I know I'm a bad driver" she added, pouting. 

"N-not really" the man said. It was evident that he was lusting after her. His eyes full of desire left no doubt about that. "Everyone can make mistakes, right?" he smiled tensely. "You can call me Frank, anyway." 

"Oh, you're a truly gentleman, Frank!" she said, amused by that situation. It was amazing the power that women could have over men. If she were a guy, Frank certainly wouldn’t be being so condescending. "I'm Patricia." 

"Such a beautiful name! Just... you know... perfect for you" he blushed. "Umm... Patricia... maybe you could give me your phone number, and then…"

"I would love that, Frank! But the light just turned green, I don't want to cause more trouble! Maybe next time. Sorry!" and saying so, Patricia raised the window and started the car, while the other drivers honked at Frank…


Ten minutes later, she finally reached her destination. She would work in a medium-sized publicity agency. Patricia didn't know anything about this branch, but she believed this wouldn't be a problem since she would be just a secretary. After talking to the receptionist, she was directed to the HR director's office.  

"Come in, please" said a male voice. The room was small but well-organized, with steel file cabinets everywhere. The man behind the desk was about thirty years old, had straight brown hair, and a square face. He was wearing a gray blazer and white dress shirt. 

"Hi, sir. I'm Patricia Cox." 

"Oh, right! I was waiting for you. Take a sit please. My name is Michael Cole."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Cole" Patricia said, sitting gracefully and crossing her legs. 

"You can call me Michael, please." 

"In this case, you can call me Patricia, sir... I mean... Michael!" 

"Great, Patricia. That's better! You know, usually you would go through a selection process, but I don’t think it will be the case this time. Mr. Phillips, our CEO, said that you were recommended by Mrs. Larsen, an old friend who he trusts entirely. Also, I have to say that your resume is awesome!" 

That was a fake resume, of course. There, it was stated that Patricia had years of experience working as secretary in several companies on the other side of the country. Mrs. Larsen had made up that resume too, and she assured Patricia that all those references were real. If someone called some of those companies asking for Patricia Cox, they would hear that Mrs. Cox was a fabulous professional. Once again, Patricia wondered how Mrs. Larsen was able to do something like that. 

"Thank you, Michael" she smiled. "I'm glad you think this is good enough." 

The man then asked some questions about Patricia's former positions, before saying that the job was clearly hers. Next, he talked about the company policies, and Patricia's salary and benefits. 

"Are you satisfied with those terms?" he asked at the end. 

"Naturally" she said. This was much less money than she earned as Patrick, but it wasn't like she was going to be a secretary forever, right? 

"That's great, Patricia! Therefore, I just need you to sign some papers, and then I'll introduce you to Mr. Tyler, who will be your immediate superior." 

"This sounds perfect, Michael" she stated, as if nothing could please her more than that. 

This was truly happening. As unbelievable as that was, she was really being accept as a woman. What did you expect, silly? Asked an inner voice. You ‘are’ a woman. So, it's only natural that you are accepted as one.

Also, she could see that her presence had impressed Michael too. He was way more discreet than that guy in the car, but it was undeniable that sometimes he looked at her with interest – love interest... Am I that attractive? She wondered. Well, I guess I am… Not bad for a woman in her thirties! 

She was increasingly confident and intoxicated by her newly-discovered feminine charm. All of this was very exciting. She hadn't realized that at first, but now she could see she would have a lot of fun as Patricia Cox... 



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