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After much sweat and tears the macOS version is now built to run natively on both Apple M1 and intel. It seems to be working for me but if I have broken something for macOS users then I am not surprised. Please let me know!

Edit: If macOS refuses to open the app because the file is "damaged", apparently this command fixes it:
"xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine <path to the .dmg file>"

I don't know what causes this and I don't know how to fix it. If any macOS developers know what I'm doing wrong then I'd appreciate the help. Just as a heads-up I am thinking of dropping macOS support altogether because the difficulty of deployment makes me so miserable.

Update Notes

Plugin Changes

Blink API:

 - Added "stereo swap" sample channel mode
- Parameters can now specify a "short name" to use when they appear in the context of the containing group
- Toggle parameters can now be set to "icon-only"

Resonator v0.1.0

 - Added

Classic v0.2.3 and Fudge v0.2.3:

 - Now both support stereo swap channel mode
- Now use icons for loop and reverse toggles

 Compressor v0.2.2:

 - Fixed a bug where the internal envelope followers were not working correctly

Blockhead Changes

Removed: "Always Visible" envelope toggle was removed because the code was very hacky, difficult to optimize and was causing problems. The ability to visualize modulation which is not currently being edited will return in some form in the future.
Removed: "Delete hovered track" hotkey (superseded by new "Delete hovered item" hotkey)
Disabled: MIDI input was temporarily disabled on Linux to work around an ALSA driver bug causing crashing on startup. (This doesn't disable much because the only thing you can do with MIDI at the moment is hover over a sample and press a note to set the pitch.)

Update: Will now run natively on Apple M1 instead of going through Rosetta, which should give a performance improvement but I haven't done any comparisons.
Update: Blockhead is now using Godot 3.4 (previously 3.2). There shouldn't be any visible difference AFAIK.
Update: Blockhead is now using Godot's GLES3 rendering backend. This means Blockhead now requires an OpenGL 3.3 capable graphics device (previously only OpenGL 2.1 was required).
Update: Performance improvements. Project loading should be faster and the following should now be less laggy:
- Zooming in and out with many visible blocks
- Large copy+paste operations
- Expanding many blocks at the same time
Update: Sampler block can now swap stereo channels via the channel selector
Update: Added "Delete hovered item" hotkey (default: Backspace). This will delete the hovered block if there is one, otherwise the hovered lane if it's not the only one on the track, otherwise the hovered track.
Update: Tempo guides now apply shading across the entire workspace to better block out time segments. You can turn up the opacity of this visualization in the View settings.
Update: Data offset indicator is now hidden while a parameter editor is open
Update: Visual tweaks to the block parameter selector
Bugfix: Possible crash on sample replace operation
Bugfix: Possible crash when a loop is deleted
Bugfix: Possible crash after a project which contains an active loop is loaded
Bugfix: Sample loading tasks can get stuck during project load
Bugfix: Audio engine is not re-enabled upon cancelling a project load after accepting the promt to save unsaved changes
Bugfix: Envelope editor 'x' slider allows points to time travel past each other
Bugfix: Envelope point edit toolbar does not update in response to undo/redo events
Bugfix: Stopped playback position doesn't stick to start block
Bugfix: Block target size indicator is incorrect position/size when the block is partially off the left edge of the workspace
Bugfix: Toggling snap on tempo guides has no effect until the block geometry changes
Bugfix: Cannot bypass snapping by holding down CTRL (both SHIFT and CTRL should work)
Bugfix: Selecting a chord parameter doesn't update the block footer controls
Bugfix: Track dragging is all janky
Bugfix: Floating blocks (not currently on any lane) do not move while panning the view
Bugfix: Floating blocks do not resize themselves when the zoom level changes and the cursor is not moving
Bugfix: Choke envelope level curve mode buttons sometimes can't be pressed
Bugfix: "Insert New Nane" keybinding typo
Bugfix: Choke envelope level section remains lit if cursor is held over the edit icon while zooming out
Bugfix: Choke toggle is missing from sampler block context menu
Bugfix: "Add samples" track context menu item doesn't do anything
Bugfix: "Lock" checkbox item in the block context menu doesn't update visually
Bugfix: ALT key gets stuck in a pressed state after ALT+Tabbing
Bugfix: Warp handles remain lit if the cursor leaves the block and then ALT is released
Bugfix: Synth block with choke enabled lets some dry signal through at the start of the block
Bugfix: Scrolling the block parameter buttons with the mousewheel also zooms the workspace
Bugfix: Harmonic Amount envelope point can be increased above maximum value via the Y slider
Bugfix: Harmonic Amount envelope units are format incorrectly
Bugfix: Hard/impossible to create new blocks from list items when the list is in compact view mode
Bugfix: Input buffer Add/Edit widgets get messed up when changing font size
Bugfix: Track title truncation width is quite small
Bugfix: Track title characters are lost forever if they are truncated


Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)



Keep up the hard work man. I won't drop patreon until it's done! I have the faith lol


thanks for sticking with me i am working on some big new things at the moment, hopefully will be ready early next year


Yeh man keep the spirit high 💪💪💪💪 I've not had a play in about 6 months so I'm very excited to the final result😃


thank you paul for staying positive. i know i have been quiet recently but i am working every day on a large new feature which will change the workflow quite a bit. probably will have something to show before the end of january


really great work all this time. going to stick with this as a patron, no doubt!


I've just started playing with it, so many ideas for #gameaudio, will definitely encourage my team to get in patreon too :)


very excited to get started with this! But... disk image mounts but when I start it up I get 'Blockhead is damaged and should be moved to the trash' (macOS)


I will try to resolve the "damaged" issue before the next build. If i understand right it is just because the application is not signed properly


+1 build broken for macOS - tried Rosetta no dice


also broken on OSX Mojave 10.14