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Update Notes

Update: Input buffer channel lamps are now disabled when the buffer is disabled
Update: Auto-generated input buffer sample names are now generated using the name of the input buffer
Bugfix: Tempo guides disappear completely when the guide block goes off-screen
Bugfix: Samples prematurely garbage collected while interacting with the sample list.
Bugfix: Several potential crash situations which could occur while undo'ing sample operations.
Bugfix: Distortion occurs when switching between different autoplayed samples in the file browser
Bugfix: Distortion occurs when stopping a sample one-shot in the samples list
Bugfix: Root block can become misaligned when stamping multiple block simultaneously
Bugfix: Meta block Loop toggle state is not saved
Bugfix: Potential crash on playback after opening a project with an active loop region
Bugfix: Songs and blocks are rendered incorrectly when the export sample rate differs from the current audio stream sample rate
Partial bugfix: Fudge sampler block has inconsistent playback state most noticeable with large grain sizes. This should no longer occur when playback is started before the start of the block, however if playback is started in the middle of the block then you may still get varying output depending on exactly where the playback started (due to grains being triggered at different points in the sample).

Plugin updates

  • Reduced the amount of redundant processing that plugins have to do. This is still not 100% optimal
  • Internal changes have been made to the way plugins reset themselves. Several changes related to this were made to the blink plugin library to make it easier to implement awkward effects such as Freeze. I wrote a very long blog post about this which I decided not to publish because I couldn't find a way to explain it without sounding like an insane person.

Freeze v0.2.0:

  • Should now interact with loop regions in a more intuitive way.
  • The buffer is now only cleared when the block completely stops processing.
  • Reduced memory usage


Public issue tracker: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues

Planned features: https://trello.com/b/DJsP5eL9/blockhead-planned-features

Discord: https://discord.gg/9ZW2UXM


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