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I'm now back up and running with a Windows/Linux PC. A huge thanks to William Light for donating his old motherboard and CPU.

v0.14.0 should hopefully be ready soon, which will include the modified transport controls, audio input, and a bunch of bug fixes.

After this build I am going to try to start working in separate feature branches to make it easier to release intermediate bugfixes without having to wait for features to be complete.

Audio input seems to be working well now but there's a few things I need to finish up before I'm done. At the moment there's no way to change the buffer configuration after adding it (channels, buffer size and name).

There's also some awkward questions for me to address such as, what should happen if an input buffer is configured to listen to channels 3 and 4, and the user goes into the audio settings and switches to an input device which only has channels 1 and 2?

I also decided that the set of configured input buffers should be saved as part of the project state, rather than being a global thing, which means the original input channels may not necessarily be there when the song is loaded (the input device may have changed, or the project may be being opened on a completely different computer).

Live performance applications are not really my focus with Blockhead, but having the input buffers part of the song state also leaves the door open for some interesting things in the future. One obvious idea is the ability to add an effects rack to the input buffers, similar to the old block effect rack.

A lot of internal changes were made to the way the audio stream is managed in order to add support for device input. I'm expecting there to be at least some bugs I missed, particularly on Linux where audio stream management is a bit weird.



I'd think for the input buffer listening on channels 3 and 4, switching to a device that does not have those channels just disables those inputs in other daws. And when the inputs are available again (after a device change) they reenable to their previous setting