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Update Notes

Feature: Track stem exporting.
Update: Improved audio exporting interface. You can bring up the export dialog in various ways:

  • Click the "Export..." button on the Project tab on the right-hand side.

  • Select one or more samples in the sample browser and click on the "Export..." button.

  • Select one or more blocks in the block browser and click on the "Export..." button.

  • Right-click on a block instance on the workspace and select "Export...".

  • Select multiple block instances on the workspace, right-click on one of them and select "Export... (Selected Blocks)".

  • Right-click on an empty area of the workspace and select "Export...".

All of these will bring up the same dialog.

  • The left-hand side of the dialog (Project Browser) lists every exportable thing in the entire project.

  • The right-hand side of the dialog (Export List) is a list of things which will be exported when you click the "Export..." button.

  • When the export is triggered, everything in the Export List will be exported with the settings that were selected.

  • You can move things from one list to the other by selecting and dragging them, or by selecting them and pressing the arrow buttons in the center of the dialog.

  • You can trigger a one-shot preview of any sample or block item in the export dialog by clicking on the far left-hand side of it. Right-click the item to stop the preview.

Update: Four new font options were added and the old font was removed.
Update: The reporter thing at the bottom-left now fades out of the way if you mouse over it.
Update: The reporter thing no longer blocks mouse clicks.
Update: You can also now click it to hide it faster, if the operation has completed.
Bugfix: Possible crash if you make a new project really quickly after loading a project.
Bugfix: Block muting still not working despite my previous claims that it was.
Bugfix: Block shifting (G, H) is simply not working.
Bugfix: Cannot append to selections in macOS because the modifier is hardcoded to CTRL. (You can now use the command key instead.)
Bugfix: Warp markers don't drag correctly after modifying the pitch or speed of the sampler, if no other parameter data has changed yet.
Bugfix: Visual glitch if browser items are resized while a one-shot animation is playing
Bugfix: Sample one-shots have a very subtle distortion (possibly exported samples too.)
Bugfix: MIDI lock button on browser items can't be clicked.
Bugfix: Envelope editor fonts are blurry when screen scaling is turned up.
Bugfix: Dragging a Sample Browser item initiates a block stamping operation even if the mouse button wasn't released over the workspace.
Bugfix: There is not visual indication that a macro block has been muted.


Manual (WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y6je_g2oNnxClL1eXV20dcQpoyZEkek5LTxQPyEFT0w
Known Issues: https://trello.com/b/MT1A3Zob/blockhead-issues
Discord: Blockhead (discord.com)
Development Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@colugo5172/videos


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