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It's time once again for S&F Extra! January was a chaotic month for me, as I kinda scrambled to get caught up on all the stuff I fell behind on while I was sick. But I still have lots of fun things to share! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at some of my recent (and not so recent) projects:

Noncanonical Valentines
This month's bonus comic was drawn in Procreate, but using a traditional inking style rather than the sketchy look I've been doing a lot lately.

As you'll see in the timelapses below, I inked this from some very loose/sketchy pencils, which led to a lot of fussing around and correcting at the inking stage... especially with Jess's boquet-holding hand!  

Fantasy Dogs
Here's a trio of battle-ready dog portraits! You can see the full versions of each in the gallery above.

And to round out our fantasy pet collection, here's a cat dressed as Thermachaud... the chubby Dungeons and Dragons dragon featured in the recent film adaptation. Was pretty delighted to get this request!

Personal Training, Pg 33
Here's something I don't do much around here... a look at the making of a Saucy Hippo comic page! (This particular page was PG, so it's a good one to use as an example.)

As I mentioned last month, I actually switched between a few different pencilling/inking methods on this story! Early on, some pages were drawing on paper and some were drawn on a wacom tablet in Photoshop. But for recent pages like this one, I've been drawing them on the iPad in procreate, as you'll see here:

However, while I may be inking these pages on the iPad, I'm still sending them to my computer and colouring them in Photoshop. I like colouring on the iPad a lot, but I need these pages to specifically match the colouring style of the earlier Photoshop-coloured pages, and the easiest way to do that is to keep colouring them in the same program!

Vote (Bull)Dog
I stumbled across these sketches recently while going through my art archives. Prepare yourself for the shocking earliest sketches of President Dog!

Yes, it's true... when I was first brainstorming the idea, President Dog was (very briefly) conceived as a bulldog. What could have been! But it wasn't really working for me, so I decided to model the Prez after my old Labrador retriever instead.

Sonic Sez
When there is an opportunity to draw a Sonic, people expect me to draw a Sonic. So here is a Sonic I drew on my friend's birthday card. Encouraging words!

And last but not least, here's a Shantae! I think by now you all know how much I enjoy these games, but I think this is only the second time I've ever tried drawing Shantae herself! This was originally a Saucy Hippo pin-up, but I felt basically obligated to do a version in her classic outfit. It's iconic!

Thanks, everyone! 'til next time...



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