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Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you a little update.... your old pal Sam has COVID. So instead of finishing up the next Personal Training pages and heading off for xmas with the parents, I've spent the last five days in my bedroom isolating from the rest of my family. Looks like it's gonna be a Quarantine Christmas!lollllllll...

Anyhow, it does seem like the roughest days of this thing are behind me. But I'm still sick and contagious, so I'm pretty much stuck in this one room for at least a few more days, and I don't have access to the tools I need to make finished comic pages. So I will have to put Personal Training on hold until I'm healthy again.

I do, however, have my iPad in here that I can draw on... And to be honest, I am pretty bored in here. So I think I'll probably do some Saucy Hippo xmas sketches. If there are any particular characters or ideas you'd like to suggest, post em in the comments, or send em in via the idea submission form!

And thanks in advance for your understanding! Not gonna lie... This has been a pretty huge bummer. I am hoping that once I get healthy again I can still have some kind of delayed xmas with the family, but we'll see how it goes!



Mr. Beard

Merry Christmas and sorry to hear your holiday got disrupted! My only sketch idea is Sam/Gert doing unprotected handholding. Scandalous I know.

The Zeruz

Take care and don't press yourself.