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The Saucy Hippo Vault has been updated with a big fresh batch of stuff inspired by backer requests! This time, we've got:
-A very spicy two page Nic & Crush set (with timelapse videos)
-A very stupid Jess Star gag
-A photo of the original inked drawing used for Gert's profile
You can find the full uncensored versions of all of 'em in Recent Additions!

Someone suggested they'd like to see me try doing more non-comedic erotic scenes. I have also been curious to try that, so I did so here! I went with Nic and Crush-era Sam, since a couple folks had requested them. (And a few others had just generally suggested Sam deserved a "fun request" after all the goofy requests he got last time.)

I'm very curious what you all think about this sort of thing: that is, portraying an erotic scene via a couple of wordless comic-esque pages, rather than one big single drawing. I actually sketched out a third page to this Nic and Crush set that I can finish up later if folks are into it!

Meanwhile, I also included one more (much sillier) drawing inspired by backer requests featuring Jess. I'm not sure if I should apologize or not for this one. 

Up next will be more pages of Personal Training! See you again soon, team.



Andrew Fitzgibbons

Nice, though why does presumably-noosehead-era nic has got nose on it? Or has that surgery been applied retroactively?


I started making alternate noseless variants and I just worried that they looked kind of weird! I think just because these poses in particular put so much emphasis on her face, especially in profile? But I can always mock them up if it's something people really want, haha!