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Here's the latest link to the Saucy Hippo Vault! Our latest addition: pages 2 and 3 of our spicy mini story starring Jess and Y. You can find the full uncensored pages in the Recent Additions folder. 

After the long saga that was Private Time, I thought it'd be fun to do something short and sweet, which these two were perfect for. What can you say? Not all relationships require a ton of explanation. (And not all smut needs a million pages of setup, haha.)

In the vein of this mini story... I have been thinking about experimenting more with pairing short comics with my larger illustrations, to give 'em more setup, context and story. A combo of a setup comic and a big illustration (or series of illustrations) could be a fun way to explore a wider variety of story ideas beyond the ones I tackle in my "main" longer Saucy Hippo comic stories. Thoughts?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one!



Joshua Little

> pairing short comics with my larger illustrations I definitely do enjoy them.