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It's S&F Extra time! Here's a behind-the-scenes look at what I worked on last month.

In the gallery above, you'll find the final version of each piece, as well as some animated GIFs of how some of them came together.  And down here, I'll provide some info about each one!

Corgi Sunrise
This comic is running on the Sam and Fuzzy website tomorrow! (Or today, depending on when you are reading this.) I thought it would be fun to share a making-of GIF for it here... particularly the deliberately over-the-top colouring of the big splash panel. I tried to channel my inner Thomas Kincade for this colour scheme.

Dev's Vacation
And of course, as usual, I've also included the making of this month's bonus comic! You can see the making-of GIF for the Vacation Dev comic in the gallery above.

Herrscher of Thunder
When I take commissions at conventions, I generally tell folks I can draw any character they ask for. But man, I was not prepared for how instanely busy and detailed the design of this particular video game character is. Just Google 'em and see for yourself! I think I did an ok job of simplifying their look into something that I could feasibly complete as a convention sketch, but it was definitely tricky.

Ginger the Science Cat
Social media science dogs Bunsen and Beaker have a new family member: a cat named Ginger! Their owners asked me to draw a portrait of their new cat... one that could also be retroactively added to the portrait of Bunsen and Beaker I drew for them a couple of years ago. You'll find the making of both in the gallery above!

Amy and Shadow
I haven't forgotten my platformer project! In fact, I have actually been drawing a whole bunch of those pieces on the side, so that I have some finished art to share in the summer when I'm busy with conventions. Here's a sneak peek at two of them: Amy Rose (as she appears in Sonic Adventure), and Shadow the Hedgehog (accompanied by the stupidest looking weapon and vehicle I could remember from his self-titled game).

Booth Pics
Speaking of conventions... here's a photo of how my booth was looking at last month's Vancouver Comic Arts Festival! I included it mainly because of, you know... the giant corgi. Close-up in the gallery above!

Beer drinking Furry
I don't have much to say about this portrait of someone's fursona, other than that I just thought it turned out really nice! I always have fun translating furry characters into my art style.

Making of Cynthia
Last but not least... I finished the Cynthia pin-up that I shared the sketch of here last month! Saucy Hippo backers have already seen the final piece and its variants, but I've included a full making-of GIF in the gallery above for those who want to see how it all came together.

Thanks, everyone!



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